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Re: terramin clay- more insights and confusion
grzbear Views: 13,218
Published: 19 y
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Re: terramin clay- more insights and confusion

I do not think I can help your confusion... if you sort it out, let us know.

I understand where you are coming from... Science can be confusing and I have been, and probably will be confused at times. Studies abound for and against just about anything; except what will make big business richer. Not all is as it seems on the surface.

I pretty much study then go on instinct, not what I read for or against something. I consider myself lucky to have remembered, and I still have 93 and 92 year old grandmas to question, many home remedies and much here on curezone mimics them. Elderberries were real big in my family as were sassafras, honey, blueberries etc. and maintaining your own garden and fruit trees. The old timers (farmers) in my family used to say in order to be and stay healthy you had to eat a bushel of dirt in your life time! They did too! Eating root vegetables right out of the garden without much more than a hand brushing.

In the end we need to take responsibility for our own health as you are doing, and walk the path we feel best for ourselves.

Hopefully we will all meet somewhere in the garden of health some day :-)

best of health to you,



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