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terramin clay and toxisity question
wellnessyoga Views: 14,068
Published: 19 y

terramin clay and toxisity question

I recall someone on this forum posting that they used terramin clay as part of their tooth brushing ritual. So I googled it and found out about all the minerals it contains and that apparently NASA was using it to help astronouts with the bone loss problem. Since I used to use Bentonite or Green Clay internally before as part of my Bowel Cleanse ritual, I thought I could replace it with terramin. I was all set to order this product because of all the various minerals it contains. But then I read in a study done on terramin that it also contains a fair amount of aluminum hydroxide. This put a real damper on my enthusiasm for this product.
Does anyone on this forum have more in depth info on this product? I posted a similar question already on the Bowel Cleanse Forum , but got no response.
Would really appreciate your input!


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