for your advice.. I do understand what you and lightstream mean when you say to change myself because I can't change him..
His job isnt that bad.. he's an engineer as well, but sometimes things happen at work that makes you feel terrible. I'm not sure if lightstream is a woman or not but its easy (no offense) for a man to say that a women should change than the opposite.
Your examples on what to say are very nice and to the point.. It does get the message out in a positive way..I'll try it..whats the worse that can happen.. he ignores it or starts an argument.. If that happens then I know that I did what I could to express my feelings to him and its not me its him.. As of now it has been his way even if we have argued about it and if he won't listen to me then I can't give in to his demands..
Anyway this is worst case and hopefully we can get past this.