It is a big possibility that they have Ascaris (round worms), if your puppy had them. The whole family was exposed to them. You injest the larve and it travels to your lungs where it enubates and then we cough and swallow and they travel down to the intestines where they mature to adult hood. Ascaris doesn't latch onto our organs like the flukes do but they do suck up nutrients and put toxins into our bodies that make us sick. I expelled a 13 inch Ascaris (round worm) and 12 6 inch Ascaris after my second Humaworm cleanse was finished. For a week my energy level was zapped and my legs felt like rubber while they were dying. At the time I didn't know what was dying but I knew some kind of critter was dying in there. I also seen all kinds of flukes and that brown jelly stuff be eliminated. RG told me that I would see my skin problems disapear (my scalp and ears were full of eczema since high school and I'm 52 now)RG was right, I have no signs of eczema anymore. My bloating in my stomach is gone too.
My pain doctor told me 13 years ago that I did not have a parasite in my body. Boy was he wrong. I wish I had of known about Humaworm years ago. It would have saved me years of pain and severe depresson from Fibromyalgia. You are one of the lucky ones to have found Humaworm. Your children are lucky too, Humaworm has a childrens dose. The whole family needs to be on the routine Humaworm cleansing schedule. I feel really lucky. I have started a neighborhood support group and we all meet at my home. I now have around 30 followers and I feel so blessed to help people get healthy. More and more are hearing about it and joining us in the fight for a healthy life. I hope this helped you with your question....Donna