Can you tell me where I can find this Homeschoolers for Ron Paul? I am a homeschooler myself, as many on here know. I am also a social conservative who became very disillusioned with the Rep party a long time ago. So long that I'm proud to say I never, ever voted for GWB, and for a long time I have resented the hijacking of Christianity and the Republican party by the fat, obnoxious and greedy/evil NWO neo-cons. I also resent the belief they have helped to create in people that Christianity and it's genuine adherents are bad people with selfish and murderous instincts. Blecch!
Yes, I also find that most homeschoolers are lovely people, but a tad naive. It's paradoxical that the very people who are more concerned with the intellectual and spiritual growth of their children than most, are the very ones that swallow the pre-masticated pablum that they are handed out by their political leaders. I have found great ignorance and resistance when trying to speak to my fellow homeschoolers about our far drifting off from the constitution and the problems we face in the very near future. They seem completely unaware that the two party system is an illusion at best. And unlike you Donna, they are unwilling to listen to proof or do some research for themselves. It's like they want to keep on swallowing their soma blue pills.
I would love to be connected, even if only by internet, with other homeschoolers who see things the same as I. Whether miserable or happy, company is nice.
Great to see you are doing better Donna. You are such a dear and I'm so glad to see you around here again! ♥
PS. Mike Farris is cool. I belong to the HSLD. I always say, Never stay home without it!