Re: I agree
Wow number person. Aren't you glad I found a way to enjoy my life and not risk it to cancer, emphysema or any smoke relates disease? Why is my path less noble than yours? I think it is perfect.
Gosh you did this??
"I was a 2 1/2 a pack a day smoker for 20 years and quit cold turkey with a half pack in my pocket and 3 or 4 packs left in the carton"
That's admirable.
And again your strength, amazing!
"You can get all the patches and toy cigarettes you want, but you have to face up to your addiction and whether or not you wish to let it control you, before you can quit."
Really? Do I have to give up the addiction I have for God? For my wonderfful husband? My sweet son, John. He has exceeded my dreams. My Bear Boy (dog). Happy?(other dog) The heat on my back when it faces the sun. I am addicted.To Life. I am glad. And, the neat toy cigarettes, why do I need to give that sweet life saving gift up any more than these others. God cares about every detail. I think....