I agree with your reasoning 100% You simply have to quit without any of the crutches because they will drag you back.
I was a 2 1/2 a pack a day smoker for 20 years and quit cold turkey with a half pack in my pocket and 3 or 4 packs left in the carton. I had tried before three or four times including a period of six months, and always took it up again until my final day. Two things motivated me to quit. I was watching the first moon landing on TV and I said to myself is "If man can walk on the moon, I can quit smoking." The second and more important decision was that I had to admit that I was addicted. And by addicted I mean I had to remind myself that I couldn't have even "just one" cigarette - because if I did, I'd be back at it. And it was that constant reminder of my addiction that got me over the hump. I did take a cigarette from my brother a year after I quit and it was horrible, but I had to continue my reminder.
You can get all the patches and toy cigarettes you want, but you have to face up to your addiction and whether or not you wish to let it control you, before you can quit.