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Re: Thoughts on Gum Recession
ajgasper Views: 7,277
Published: 17 y
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Re: Thoughts on Gum Recession

Hi Laura,

I was just going over your ingredients again.

Raw milk Are you talking about straight from a cow, or the
store? Have you tried goat’s milk? It use to be
used to heal ulcers. Not sure if it worked or not,
but all my fathers’ alcoholic friends use to swear by
it. I will have to go that route since everyone
are into them around here.

What about Buttermilk? There was a thread on parasites
hiding in bio-films, and butter milk being used to get
them out. I believe it was on the parasite Forum. The
bio-film discussion in itself was very interesting.
Dealt with the possibility of why people could not
become completely parasite free.

raw eggs I got a new dog this spring that killed my last chicken.
I'll see about getting 2 or from a buddy if they
still have them. If not I'll order some more from
McMurray Hatchery in Iowa.
flax oil
maca Interesting, never heard of it. Sometimes I feel like
I've lived a sheltered life.
probiotics If one tends to be regular, is this needed? I have
the "live" ones right now, but only use intermittently
after colon and parasite cleansing sessions.

iodine I'll see. There is a huge constituency for iodine
on the curezone. I'm just trying to make sure I understand
what I'm putting into my body.

I'll experiment. I may throw some CoQ10 into the mix sometime along the way not to mention berries and carrots.

I'm not much of a cook, but am pretty handy with a blender, microwave, and grill. I'll see if I can get it to "taste just like chicken".




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