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Re: Thoughts on Gum Recession
sandover Views: 7,320
Published: 17 y
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Re: Thoughts on Gum Recession

Hey Arnold --

My ingredients list for the ultra smoothie can be highly arbitrary, so go forewarned!

-- I do get raw goat milk each week, and fresh eggs from the same farm. I have also had raw cow milk. I think they are both ideal and the cow people will tell you cow is the best, and the goat people will say the same (and I do fall on the goat side of the fence in the sense that there really are some goat milk ingredients that are unique to it, i.e. the lauric acid), but the real bottom line is that unprocessed milk is just a different food altogether than processed milk, so whether you have a goat milk or cow milk source IMHO should not be a major block -- the pasture-fed and non-processed part is what we are after. (And that summertime Vitamin K2 -- read more on the WA Price site:

I'd love to get buttermilk (goat milk does not separate out so you don't get it, and cream, the way you do with cow -- i.e. goat does not have to be homogenized...) or even culture my own leftover goat: a future goal. You can make both yogurt and kefir -- kefir IMO being the Mother of All Cultured Dairy Products!

maca -- I found out something about maca a while ago that seemed compelling at the time and ordered it, so I was putting it in the smoothie to use it up. Perhaps this was related to adrenal fatigue? Anyway, I'd be willing to bet that the Iodine does more for the adrenal than the maca anyway.

Probiotics -- again, arbitrary. I think they are great to take but I don't have many stomach issues (unlike in the past, where I was a walking "stomach issue"!). Do try to get them in me and the girls frequently, though. I'd, again, rather get cultures from whole foods, but a good probiotic can't hurt for sure.

Iodine -- worth doing the research on the forum and I like for additional information. Dosing is pretty arbitrary. The whole point of the smoothie was really just to have a complete meal per day -- and to use what I had available. Kind of like a meatloaf. Kind of not!

Cayenne -- I eat it most with ice cream. But still good. See Zoe's "power of the pepper" article on her blog here at CZ and you'll be a believer! Or, Nina Planck

has a great essay on peppers.

I occasionally do a line of cayenne when I have an eye-stiletto migraine and no narcotics on hand and nothing else works. It really works. (You have to suffer to get to a greater peace, though, and the suffering that comes with voluntarily inhaling cayenne in one nostril can be great!)

Gotta run because things are way too quiet downstairs, best to all --



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