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Re: Thoughts on Gum Recession
sandover Views: 7,027
Published: 17 y
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Re: Thoughts on Gum Recession

Hi Arnold,

I was told by my friend to use it full-strength, so I used about 1/4 teaspoon (too much, in retrospect...) and put it in a straw and up my right nostril it went.

There *is* a product called "Sinol" that is available at many drug stores that is cayenne-based. It's a spray that delivers a smaller amount of cayenne (less painful by far, too). I think it is more for the sinus-clearing effects than for the full-on amazing cayenne pain-obliteration powers. I keep meaning to get some as the doctor gave me first a fluoride-based spray, then a bromide-based spray (bromine, like fluoride, is a no-no). What has worked with cayenne in smaller amounts is to mix a little with water and very quickly put some droppers down my nose (you have to lie down to do this). The cayenne does not dissolve completely but remains in particulate form so you have to do it fast enough that it does not completely settle to the bottom of the cup you mix it up in.

The full-strength application is really the pain-obliterator. I think what they are studying is how to apply it without so much pain during the process. But when it gets up in your sinuses, it completely "freezes" them and you don't feel anything, which is pretty awesome for someone suffering a headache...



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