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Status: R [Message
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You want to be YOU :-)
Prepaving post:
"I wanna be like you when I grow up :-)"
You do not. You want to become YOU :-)
There are two You's ...
You - Physical self
YOU - Inner Self
The You that is your physical self, works to get into the alignment with your Inner YOU. And the You, that is your physical self has lived this life and the contrast within this life launches rockets of desire (based on what you don't want) for all that you want.
That YOU that is the inner YOU is already that which you want. When the physical You catches up vibrationally to the Inner YOU, then that is a vibrational match. The inner YOU gives you indications through your emotions when you are headed in the wrong or right direction based on negative and positive feelings. So, when you do things that cause positive feelings, you are getting closer to the inner YOU. And the inner YOU has already manifested ALL that you wish.
Your inner self is not a vibrational match to my inner self, because we have lived through different contrasts.
Get it? It's cool.