Re: been there!
prosecute myself? who the hell said I ever felt guilty about it? lol..
I never said I do unjustly harm or intentionally hurt's just the way I think,always ready for something,on guard and on the prowl for whatever to happen next..always ready,always hungry..I'll rest when I am dead.
in this world there are protectors..I feel like I am one of them.I often feel as if
I am capable (and have) put myself out there when no one else did,in order to help
or take action when no one else does,you automatically assumed the role of wolf in sheeps clothing as a predatory or offensive character/persona( I guess it's pretty accurate in it's classic sense),I take it as a symbolism of someone whom is other then what they appear,more then meets the eye sort of deal.
save your 'sorrys' for someone who needs them lol.