Re: been there!
I was suicidally depressed for 51 years until I outlived my whole family two years ago (dysfunctional family). Because of that, now I appreciare being alone (solace). Many people appreciate solitude, whether it's just a time of healing the heart, or a time of "finding yourself" (self-discovery, self-recognition/enjoyment), or the long term peaceful lifestyle that many people seek, it is very NECESSARY and beneficial to a person that is profound in mind and heart. People who find no value in solitude are DEPENDENT on others for validation all throughout their lives, so, herb-gal, "sieze the day" (use this opportunity, don't discard it), find inside of you what you didn't know was there (that is your destiny). Escape the world that can be seen (you have found it insufficient and shallow) and enter the world that can be FELT [in the heart].
When you learn what is INSIDE of PEOPLE instead of what is inside a book, you will have the ability to be like (emulate) the great psychologist in the sky and know the mind.