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I C L & ralph
finallyfaith Views: 6,073
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I C L & ralph


yes of course you can always dig into the bible and find something that shows just how wrong someone is. i did so in this forum with pat robertson who is always talking to someone who is telling him something. and yet so much of that is dead wrong and hateful and hurtful. so i can only assume he is talking to the wrong spirit. he even said before the iraq invasion that God said we should invade and everything would go great. sure!! its all been a pile of peaches over there! another good one pat! keep those prophecies coming! and yet no christian ever stands up and say "pat you are wrong and should stop saying you speak for God." never. but then sylvia brown, or someone like her, speaks and every christian is falling all over themselves to condemn her. it just doesn't make any sense. no consistency there at all. personally i don't listen to anyone who tells me they speak for this spirit or that spirit, but i ESPECAILLY don't listen when they say i speak for God, then you know they are full of it.

heres a bible verse for you - 1 Cor 11:4-6 says women must cover their heads in church, but a man must not. now have you ever broken this rule? its in the bible, its God's word. you MUST obey. you risk hell fire and damnation if you don't. now i want ot see you rant and rave about people wearing hats or not wearing hats in church. if you think its not important. well, HOW DARE YOU!!!!!! its in the bible and thats that. we have to make sure the right people are wearing hats and the wrong poeple are not!! this is our mission!! get hot on it!!



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