lol...And now...one of My Secret Lovers...is Robert Palmer...Mr. I'm-Going-to-the-Bahamas-in-March...(*please, for me...toss a flower in the ocean for him*) ...is singing to me...that he didn't mean to turn me on...
Or maybe it's not so funny...
Jeez...now he's singing about just being friends... *tears flowing*
It's OK now...he's got all the
inches he wants!!! Man, that man is something else...saw him in concert...amazing energy he had!!!!!!!!! And I'm so glad to have all his many songs to remind me... Just a little sad to have lost him so soon...and don't want to lose any other lovers.
And man, a big rabbit is wearing me out hopping around the web. Spiders spin webs...no longer sure who the spider is. And you can eat the music...no flies for you. vid later. I don't want either of us to be eaten by any black widows.
Feeling better...a little
Sugar hiccup...receiving better now...I believe.
I also received a new spanish word for the day:
There are quite a few verbs like this in Spanish. Some other examples are enojarse and enfadarse (which both translate as to get angry), cansarse (to get tired) and enfriarse (to get cold).
I'm hoping to stay toasty and warm...shouldn't be a problem now that I know Mr. Palmer still wants me. And I want him, too. Anyway, we've had some beautiful snow here the last few days. I'm going to stay put, other than very short walks...for the next several days...at least. I'll be enjoying one such walk in a little while. Need to see the pretty snow and listen to what the birds keep trying to tell me.
And btw...the model no. that you were looking for...is 1312404635-6...and it takes two D batteries. I know you like the Energizer...you might want to give the that D brand a try for a change.
Any questions or comments...feel free to ask...