18 y
Re: Prozac? That is outrageous!
My 0b/gyn said the following: 1) PMS was given an official diagnosis of PMDD so it could be given a code in the DSM diagnostic manual so that insurance companies would pay for Prozac in the treatment of it.
2) Yes, I am headed for menopause and all of my symptoms are very common and normal; however, that doesn't mean that I should suffer from this. I should be happy and it can be managed through either Prozac or the next line of defense: namely, hormone therapy, which unless I lay dying from mood swings or pain, I absolutely refuse. And all the while he's saying this, I'm thinking, so people should never, ever feel a human process normally or feel bad??? No, it doesn't feel good, but isn't there something natural to take the edge off without all these chemicals? Surely God gave us something for it. I know! I'll ask Tony.
With all of that, my symptoms are as follows: Cramps, diarrhea, extreme fatigue, bloating, and the mother of all -- demonic mood swings that come on suddenly, confusing the hell out of my poor husband and kids and making them sleep with one eye open. Then add to the mix depression.
Good luck, Tony. If you can help this one, you should be sainted.