Bless your heart Donna. All I have to say is EEEEEEEEEKKKK! Do you mean to tell me everybody is being diagnosed now as PMDD and being prescribed antidepressants?????? That may be the reason almost every woman I know is on Paxil. And they have no intention of getting off it. Ever. Actually the mood swings and scary anger episodes are the changing hormones in your body. It is a normal thing.
Good for you for not listening to your doctor and going the natural route. My story.... My menopause started a bit early. Yet, at that time I new nothing about natural medicine or eating healthy. Oh, and the hot flashes! Let me tell you...... So as we all do, I went to the doctor. He put me on Premarin, which made me feel fine and I took it for a short while until I discovered that a little side effect of hormonal therapy was breast cancer. I dropped that like a hot potato and did my own research. That's when I found Black Cohosh and that did the trick. I have also recommended that to other women going through menopause and those who have listened to me are now telling other women about it.
Diet plays a very important part, also I believe supplements.
Thank you for sharing Donna!
Love ya! Muah!
Originally called late luteal phase dysphoric disorder (LLPDD), the disorder was renamed PMDD by the American Psychiatric Association in its May 1993 revision of the DSM-IV. PMDD was moved from a position in the appendix of the manual to a "disorder requiring further study."[2][3] Some groups of psychiatrists and women's groups object to the labeling of a severe form of PMS as a psychiatric disorder.
PMDD is accepted as illness by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but has not as been listed as a separate disorder in the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases. In 2003, the manufacturer of Prozac (fluoxetine) was required by the Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products to remove PMDD from the list of indications for fluoxetine sold in Europe.[4] The committee found that
...PMDD is not a well-established disease entity across Europe... There was considerable concern that women with less severe pre-menstrual symptoms might erroneously receive a diagnosis of PMDD resulting in widespread inappropriate short and long-term use of fluoxetine.[5]
PMDD is not listed on the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. [6]
Some commentators suggest that PMDD (along with social anxiety disorder, restless leg syndrome, and female sexual dysfunction) has been marketed by pharmaceutical companies in order to increase the demand for treatments.(PMID 16597181).
Luella May is on her way and should have some good stuff to add - but in the interim, this is from my own humble Collected Remedies book. In case of conflicting info, always go with the real authoritative book:
Mood swings, tender breasts, a swollen abdomen, food cravings, fatigue, irritability and depression. If you experience some or all of these problems in the days before your monthly period, you may have premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
An estimated three of every four menstruating women experience some form of premenstrual syndrome. These problems are more likely to trouble women between their late 20s and early 40s, and they tend to recur in a predictable pattern. Yet the physical and emotional changes you experience with premenstrual syndrome may be more or less intense with each menstrual cycle.
Still, you don't have to let these problems control your life. In recent years, much has been learned about premenstrual syndrome. Treatments and lifestyle adjustments can help you reduce or manage the signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Signs and symptoms
For many women the signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are an uncomfortable and unwelcome part of their monthly menstrual cycle. The most common physical and emotional signs and symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome include:
Although the list of potential signs and symptoms is long, most women with premenstrual syndrome experience only a few of these problems.
For some women, the physical pain and emotional stress are severe enough to affect their daily routines and activities. For most of these women, symptoms disappear as the menstrual period begins.
But for some women with premenstrual syndrome, symptoms are so severe they're considered disabling. This form of PMS has its own psychiatric designation — premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). PMDD is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome with symptoms including severe depression, feelings of hopelessness, anger, anxiety, low self-esteem, difficulty concentrating, irritability and tension. A number of women with severe PMS may have an underlying psychiatric disorder.
Exactly what causes premenstrual syndrome is unknown, but several factors may contribute to the condition. Cyclic changes in hormones seem to be an important cause, because signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome change with hormonal fluctuations and also disappear with pregnancy and menopause.
Chemical changes in the brain also may be involved. One clue to the cause may be traced to fluctuations of serotonin, a brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that is thought to play a crucial role in mood states, especially depression. Insufficient amounts of serotonin may contribute to other symptoms of PMS, such as fatigue, food cravings and sleep problems.
Occasionally, some women with severe premenstrual syndrome have undiagnosed depression, though depression alone does not cause all of the symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome. Stress also may aggravate some of the symptoms, but alone it isn't a cause.
Some PMS symptoms have been linked to low levels of vitamins and minerals. Other possible contributors to PMS include eating a lot of salty foods, which may cause fluid retention, and drinking alcohol and caffeinated beverages, which may cause mood and energy level disturbances
Alcohol, sugar, spicy foods, hot drinks, and hot soups can trigger hot flashes.
You can manage or sometimes reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome by making changes in the way you eat, exercise and approach daily life. Try these approaches:
Here's what's known about the effectiveness of some of the more common natural products and remedies used to soothe the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome:
Other topics that may be helpful:
I hope that helps, and am sure Luella will have more to add. Now, does that look a bit better than (gasp) PROZAC!
Tony (Note that I edited the above section to include information and input from Luella - it is now a part of my remedies book and an article I wrote after this post)
Hi, this is Luella continuing with the post.
I found one statement in your post most frightening:
"My 0b/gyn said the following: 1) PMS was given an official diagnosis of PMDD so it could be given a code in the DSM diagnostic manual so that insurance companies would pay for Prozac in the treatment of it."
In other words, PMDD is merely a term used for the sole purpose of administering Prozac. I applaud you for not going this route, or the hormone therapy route. As you stated, yes, the object is so that you won't feel bad. Yet, the way these drugs interact with the seratonin in the brain, they also make sure that you don't feel good either. They keep you on an even keel, where you just do not feel emotions. Many times people are not able to feel happy or sad. They cannot cry, nothing affects them. Do not be fooled when the doctor states that these drugs are not addicting. This is a bold face lie and coming off the drugs involves delicately weaning yourself from them over a period of time, sometimes months, with withdrawal symptoms, sometimes severe. I would suggest seeing a naturopath for this condition. You will get the proper treatments, supplements, and diet.
Anyway, you did not mention hot flashes. And they will most likely come. These are also horrible. Black Cohosh is wonderful for alleviating hot flashes. Now... Black Cohosh will also relieve your cramps and possibly any mood shifts you are having. Try this first. I personally call it the menopause wonder drug. If you are suffering from anxiety that is not relived by the Black Cohosh, switch to St. John's Wort.
I want to point out something very important. Do not discount your mood swings to just being hormonal and part of PMS and menopause. All feelings have a root and feelings or anger means that you are reacting to something. Something is bothering you. It may be the present situation or something more deeply buried, a resentment, whatever. But there is a cause. The only difference with PMS and menopause is that these feelings and reactions are highly magnified and that is when you seem to lose control, where normally you would be able to handle these emotions and keep them under control. Whenever you have an outburst of anykind, pinpoint the feeling, and what the cause is of the emotion and see what you can do to resolve it, or sometimes we have no control over things and we need to accept them. Although hormones are involved in these emotional upheavals, there is most definitely a reason why we are reacting in this way. Remember, if Black Cohosh does not help with the mood swings, switch to St. John's Wort. Don't take them together.
Premenopause and menopause is different for all women. Mine took ten years from start to finish.
Nutrition and supplements do wonders with menopause.
Eat a diet consisting of 50% raw foods and take a protein to help stabilize blood sugar. Add blackstrap molasses, soybean products, broccoli, dandelion greens, kelp, salmon with bones, sardines, and white fish to your diet.
Eat foods high in phytoestrogens, such as soybeans, flaxseeds, nuts, whole grains, apples, fennel, celery, Parsley and alfalfa. Do not eat any animal products and avoid dairy products. Animal products promote hotflashes. Phytoestrogens, alleviate them.
Do not eat any type of sugar, and of course sweeteners. Substitute garlic powder or onion powder for salt when cooking.
Alcohol, sugar, spicy foods, hot drinks, and hot soups can trigger hot flashes.
Get regular exercise and avoid stress.
Take a good women's vitamin and mineral supplement.
As for everything else, Tony has covered it perfectly.
Also, take time out to nurture "you."
With PMS, little things that are annoying become become major issues. Let's say your guy does not close the lid on the toilet, or he is not careful and you go in the toilet barefooted and . . . yechhh!
Under normal circumstances you gripe a bit.
With PMS/PMDD, you take the guys head off verbally and maybe you even throw something.
On Prozac you cut and smash all of his sports memorabilia into little pieces and then shoot him.
Bless your heart Lori, I am so glad we have made you laugh. Laughter is so important in every facet of life. Anyway, I am going to provide the link where Tony recommended what to take for all your symptoms. Read this post again, I believe between Tony and myself, we cover all the supplements. If you have a question as to a specific discomfort that we have not covered, please let us know.
However, I do most certainly and highly recommend Black Cohosh. I call this the menopausal wonder herb. Make sure and try this and you may find that all your mood swings and other discomforts may disappear.
Make sure you are taking a good Women's vitamin and mineral supplement,
If you cannot find a supplement or for convenience, I use Utopia Silver's products, as I am sure of their superiority to other supplements. Just click here: Utopia Silver