Re: Any Carnivores out there, besides me?
The Type A diet does not work for me. I am a meat eater-but only beef that is organic, pastured ( herd gets very little grain and NO SOY)and free range chickens/turkey. Very little pork. Lots of veggis/greens, some grains and plenty of raw milk from pastured, hormone free,
Antibiotic free, and johnes disease free cows.
Homoginized milk leads to heart disease. ( Pasturization leaves the milk "dead "of all the enzymes you need for digestion and the lactic acid left over feed bacteria so the pasturized milk goes rancid. Raw milk naturally sours and can be used for cottage cheese and the whey is used for fermented drinks that are awesome (Ck out "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon-it is a book)When eating meat and dairy products from pastured herds you have high levels of naturally occuring Vit A, D (the vit D that is added to milk D2 or D3 is toxic and the latter is not absorbed easily-this is one reason osteoporosis is so high),the Wulzen-factor, which is an anti-stiffness factor is destroyed in the pasturization process. I could go on!
According to several Naturopathic doctors the best way to determine the diet that is best for you is thru DNA tests-to see where you have descended from-that is the way you need to eat.Good luck