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Re: Vitamin B12 Prevents Alzheimer's, Depression
chrisb1 Views: 5,656
Published: 18 y
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Re: Vitamin B12 Prevents Alzheimer's, Depression

with regard to mega-dose supplements you may find this of interest.......

From the Peoples Chemist..........

Nutrients are essential to life and cannot be subjected to safety analyses like environmental toxins or synthetic drugs.
Virtually all research published in mainstream journals is focused on how essential nutrients heal organisms at the cellular level; which nutrients act together to bring about organ repair, and how they cause systemic healing when given in very high doses.
Science has known for at least a century that deficiencies cause standard diseases. In the presence of certain viruses and environmental toxins, such deficiencies are a major contributing factor to AIDS and all cancers. Indeed, the South Africans recently renamed AIDS to NAIDS which stands for "Nutritionally Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" because recent research showed that for the HIV virus to cause illness, a person must also be deficient in the immune-system-controlling mineral Selenium.

Toxicity studies basically don't exist for essential nutrients (one of a few is vitamin A under certain circumstances). To establish the "lethal dose 50", half of a hundred lab rats or mice dies at a substance's concentration which is then designated as the toxic level. Well, you can't do that with Vitamin C or essential fatty acids, for example. They can't kill. The body metabolizes these substances and excretes excesses. The occasional individual allergy to a specific type of vitamin does not invalidate general biocompatibility.

By contrast, all synthetic drugs without exception are systemically toxic, meaning they are toxic to more than one body system as well as at the cellular level . Hence the constant need to weigh the benefits of their use with the known risks of their toxicity; specific doses of just so many mg, timing of ingestion, duration of treatment - and the prescription requirement.
All this doesn't apply to apples, magnesium or probiotics. If you eat too many apples, you get the runs - same mess for too much vitamin C. Furthermore, all drugs, from Aspirin to Zocor, also deplete essential nutrients. Most accumulate in body tissues because they cannot be metabolized by our enzymes which freak out when encountering this phony chemistry and simply move on. Used for a long time, drugs frequently shut down the body's natural detoxification center, the liver, and in extreme cases destroy it - necessitating a liver transplant. Of course, essential nutrients are readily metabolized and distributed in accordance with the laws of nature, while simultaneously nourishing the liver.

About 800,000 people die every year in North America from properly prescribed and ingested drugs. No toxicity levels are ever published on drugs. They are assumed and we're protected by a Conspiracy of silence until Johns Hopkins Medical School published the data on this carnage in 2003.
Codex Alimentarius's efforts to save us all from supposedly dangerous food supplements, by requiring their (non-existent) toxicity levels, is a determined backlash against the turn medical Science took starting with Linus Pauling, Abram Hoffer, Carl Pfeiffer and Roger Williams in the 1950's. They established the concepts of bio-individuality in absorption and detoxification; high-dose essential nutrients as disease curing, and environmental toxins acting as nutrient depleting.
Today, we have a flood of evidence showing that drugs have a very limited usefulness, and that high-dose nutrients can do anything better than drugs.


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