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Re: Vitamin B12 Prevents Alzheimer's, Depression
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Published: 18 y
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Re: Vitamin B12 Prevents Alzheimer's, Depression

I absolutely agree DQ. However, as much as I realise the shortcomings of supermarket bought foods, or at least some of them, they are sadly all I can afford. And in spite of their being grown from nutrient depeleted soils and in some cases nowhere near as healthy as their organic counterparts, they are still the best I have available right now. The question is are they enough for me to live on? Only time will tell on that score. They are still complete, water rich foods when eaten raw and provide more nutrients than anything processed after picking. They have certainly aided my return to health so far over the last four months and I'll let you know how I go living on them for longer periods and if any deficiencies arise.

Personally I think that an apple that is reduced in nutrients is still a better apple than the one that is being eaten in a pie, and nobody really knows how much food we need to live on if we eat foods in their natural state- except for those that are actually eating those foods solely and living off them. Maybe I just need to eat a little bit more and fast every so often to remove any toxicity resulting from eating the extra and from any chemical residues in them also. The dangers of eating supermarket bought fresh raw foods needs to be taken into account, but it should not be used as a warning not to eat them at all and stay on a cooked/processed diet enhanced with vitamins. Raw foods are what our bodies require and in danger level to our bodies everything else is above them.



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