thought about it for 4 seconds...figured it out.
I deal in reality. Ron Paul does not represent reality, but a far-off daydream. You have every right to live in that daydream, but count me out. Wasted votes on a candidate that has no chance, zero chance of winning is only to make you and your small clique happy inside. It' does nothing to change America's course. You can run around after the election and tout "Not my fault, I voted for Ron Paul!! yuk, yuk. Feel better? It's sort of like wearing those ribbons that represent a cause, you know the ones. You need that self-assurance, don't you? You need to tell everyone how much you care? I truly wish caring about things is all that's required. Yes, it would be a better America. You go ahead and vote for Ron Paul, I'm not here to change your mind. Yours isn't "changable". But remember this...when Hillary is your President and you skip around town with your chest out exclaiming "DON'T BLAME ME, I VOTED FOR RON PAUL"...Hillary will look you right in the face, reach around to your back pocket, lift your wallet from that pocket, look inside, take what she wants, and give what she's just taken to the lowest of our society. Merry Christmas!