Re: Anyone ever feel crazy? Seriously
A question, in case I misunderstood you...
...Did you leave any 90-day waiting periods between
parasite cleanses?
Too much too soon can be a heavy burden on the organs, I believe.
If you haven't given your body these rests between cleanses, the only thing I can suggest is to email R.G. and ask if you should stop for 90 days.
If you HAVE taken that rest period then I'm all wet, and you could practice saying 'No' when thoughts you do not like enter your head.
All of us have thoughts that jump around like monkeys in a barrel...that's how we get to notice different possibilities. But we each own all of our own thoughts...completely.
You couldn't possibly be crazy, and still write as clearly and coherantly as you do. Period!
If you really were going off the deep end, you wouldn't THINK of posting here...especially to ask for reassurance.
You're normal, kid.
My best,