Anyone ever feel crazy? Seriously
Yesterday (which was day two of my humaworm cleanse), I started feeling HORRIBLE. Not crazy physical symptoms, but mentally. Normally, I get weird mentally and emotionally together, but yesterday, it was just mental. I was having all of these CRAZY thoughts and seriously thought I was losing my mind and I should just stop all of this "crazy health stuff" that I've been doing and just live a "normal" life and eat "regular" foods and just go to the doctor if I'm sick. I mean, what was that? Now I feel better and more resolved in my course, but seriously, I thought I was losing my mind yesterday and I know that
parasite cleansing can bring such crazy thoughts, but in the moment, I couldn't think about that. All I could think of was that I really thought I was losing my mind and might have to be checked in somewhere and/or put on serious medication. I'm tired of all of this (what I described above). It can really get discouraging, especially if those around you don't understand or even say those thoughts you are thinking that discourage you from finishing your course. This is one heck of a product if these thought are getting stirred up from it. Something(s) don't want me doing this, I have come to believe. Anyway, I just wanted to say that to people who would understand. Any encouragement would be welcome. Thank you.