18 y
Re: The Honest Food Guide
beth, thanks for your honest reply. the thing is i've been on the healthy foods and that's the reason i replied to luellamay. i also lost some weight but as far as energy etc. goes i had none. beth in the respect of diabetes i at the time had a high blood
Sugar count of 9 (close to diabetes 2). i began consuming low glycemic foods mainly dark green vegetables plus salads, in three weeks my reading was 5, that was a year ago. a month ago it was to my delight still at five for i still eat those foods but i have incorporated some dairy products which gives me the energy that i require but as i say much of what i feel i could consume has this SODIUM in far too high quantities and i just cannot see why it's kept at those levels.
i desire health just as everyone does but i feel that too much emphasis is put on veg., fruit, nuts etc. when i know that dairy products eaten sensibly just as everything else we consume one can maintain an healthy balance in one's diet.
i am interested in what foods you speak of that gives energy. i read once that one can consume any amount of vegetables as one wishes to lose weight and stay healthy. well i tried that but i soon found out that stomachs cannot handle the volume.
i also read that if one consumes slow digesting foods that one could again help to lose weight and maintain ones health. problem there was the stomach again does not have the capacity to deal with food in that way. so i chose a balanced diet and of course i come cross this SODIUM overspill.
i will continue to chase these manufactures and 'responsible' bodies that supposed to regulate food-stuffs, i am fed up with RDA cop-outs beth for they do not solve the problem, btw i don't have a weight problem, thanks, tomi.