The Honest Food Guide
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Dear readers,
Confused about what you're supposed to eat? That's because most
nutritional advice comes sources that have sold their souls to the
giant food companies. Even the USDA's Food Guide Pyramid is heavily
influenced by food lobbyists, and it offers lousy nutritional advice
that's decades behind the cutting-edge nutritional principles we now
know to be true.
If you want a REAL guide to which foods you should eat, check out my
Honest Food Guide, an easy-to-use nutritional reference chart that
will help you make the best choices at every meal. The "Honest Food
Guide" is based on real nutrition, not politics or special interest
groups, and it illustrates the nutritional principles that will keep
you healthy for life.
Because this information will help you live a healthier lifestyle,
I'm giving away downloadable copies at
The "Honest Food Guide" provides information like:
* Which common food ingredients promote diabetes
* Which foods promote mental disorders and depression
* How to avoid hydrogenated oils
* Which grocery products and foods promote outstanding health
* Why high-sodium snacks are harmful to your health
* Where to find healthy protein
* Mineral-rich supplements to add to your diet
* How MSG interferes with body function and appetite control
* What foods to add to your diet for a strong immune system
* Why breakfast cereals are often health saboteurs
* How to ensure you're getting enough healthy oils
* Why sunlight is vital for good health
* Key nutrients for good health
* How to select vegetables with a variety of nutrients
* Healing superfoods
* How to achieve clear, smooth skin
* Which carbs to eat and which to avoid
... and much more.
If you want the straight truth about which foods to consume and which
foods to avoid, download the Honest Food Guide today.
Learn more at:
To your health,
- Mike Adams, The Health Ranger