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Re: Would like to start chelation but...
boronia Views: 6,202
Published: 20 y
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Re: Would like to start chelation but...

Hi Paul,

I just replied to your email.

People with lyme are facing the same thing. According to Andy Antibiotics do NOT interfere with mercury excretion during chelation. I personally don't see how it WOULDN'T interfere as Antibiotics affect the ph in the gut which may have a knock on effect on mercury excretion. Also it might be quite a rough ride dealing with mycoplasm and chelation at the same time!

You could do a trial of both *separately* and see which makes you feel better. Given that the infection isn't acute, you could probably try the chelation first but it's obviously a very individual decision.

I found this quote in the autism/mercury group (in relation to lyme)....

"You should also research online about the possiblity of Antibiotics
causing permiability of the blood brain barrier to things that it
should keep out such as merc + other metals. Given that chelation
will stir up some metals taking ABX at the same time could increase
deposits of metals in the brain."

Make sure you take plenty of probiotics if you take antibiotics.

Ask in the Amalgam replacement forum about the materials in the replacement fillings you have which are causing problems as I don't have any experience of that.

Yes feeling like you're losing it and having probs making decisions are classic mercury toxicity symptoms.



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