Iodine: foolish or safe? by MH
I looked at the odine forum and had to quit after looking at the first post:
have been taking Lugol for the past month and I am now at 12 drops (vertical)/day.
I have two questions:
I have noticed that I am suffering from incredible indigestion, which I never had before. everything that I eat burn in my stomach until dawn.
Is this something to expect with the Lugol? Or perhaps it is related to the Papaya enzime that I take? The more indigestion, the more I consume papaya enzime, which really doesn't help all that much.
Shall I continue with the 12 drops or increase the daily dosage? I have yet to find any difference in my body since I started taking it, except that my depression has lifted a bit. Is this normal?
I thank you for your input.
How crazy can these people be???????????????????????????? WHO ON EARTH are they asking such advice from? I don't care if they have a MD operating that forum; because if anyone had any sense, such a FORUM would have HUGE SKULL BONE and CROSS BONES at the top of that forum and if I had my say so, it would take up 50% of the front page at all times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE IODINE aka LUGOL'S and all commercial medical and over counter IODINES are POISON and DEADLY and mostly not sold on the open market anymore.
I HIGHLY suggest the curezone put such warnings on such forums that have the POWER by false statements that can kill people/children. NO ONE is qualified to tell anyone how much IODINE to take INTERNALLY, because it is a POISON aka DRUG. Sure, you won't die when you take a few drops of lugols Iodine, but most people don't die when they take drugs/vitamins/metals, but down the road, they all have side effects.
Medically back 60 years ago Lugol's was associated with the shrinking of a man's testicals and sterilization of both male and female and loss of sexual desire, because who wants sex when your all damaged??? How do they know? I don't know, but the book listed 50 drugs with long term side effects and Lugol's was in the list of the top 50 and that book stopped me from taking it internally anymore and I NEVER EVER would have not taken it internally if it was not for the INSANE Dr. Hulda Clark and her ACID/STERILE ideas that she has lead millions down the wrong path..just seeing it in the Clark books today is warning enough to investagate, because she likes using deadly substances and believes in KILL/KILL/KILL.
WE ARE SO FOOLISH to believe authors just because they are popular. Then to trust forums?????????????????? General safe stuff is Ok to bounce around, but when any Tom, Dick, or Harry make an anomous post and says, OH YES, I take X amount of Lugols per day and its great, then you might have a thousands fools take the bait and try the same thing. We might as well have a support forum for every current drug on the market, I see no differance.
LUGOL's and all commericial IODINE is 100% safe when applied to your GARDEN and NO AMOUNT is known to be safe for a human. By safe, I mean NON TOXIC, I know for a fact, you take Lugol's is a very small dose on the skin and your hair will show it as a heavy metal being expelled out of the body along with lead/mercury/arsenic/aluminum/silver, etc., etc. YES, the Iodine does not KILL you any more than these metals do, as LONG AS you have an elimination system that can keep up and this NEVER EVER means th body could use this IODINE, it only proves the body wanted rid of it and is struggling to get rid of it as it clogs all of the elimination organs including the skin and hair.
There is not such thing as a SAFE non plant supplement, because if it did not come from the tree/plant, then it is toxic, because we can't assimulate and eliminate it as Naure designed us to do.
Lugol's has its place when a person can respect it for what it is, but the iodine support forum is like looking at drug addicts in the 7th grade, everyone a NOVICE and don't know if they should trust their pusher or not. Reminds me of everyone smoking their old man's ciggaretts and as they cough their brains out they are being told by the degenerates beside them that you will get use to it and its COOL.
Lugol's is in the class of silver water, both deadly substances as are all metalic liquids. The dose decides when you will die from the use of it. Because what goes in and don't come out, it what kills us in the long run and commercial vitamins also fit that catagory.