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ALA brands & doses
wintergreen Views: 3,762
Published: 20 y

ALA brands & doses

There are a number of different brands out there of ALA, but unfortunately almost all of them in doses too large to start out with. Most people are going to have do some recapsuling, even if only for the first few rounds as they see how their bodies respond.

I thought I'd bring up some of the lower dose brands, so that people are aware of them and in case anyone has any input on them.

The lowest dosage I'm aware is from Kirkman Labs, and that is 25 mg.

I know some people on the Yahoo groups use and like this brand, but I never cared for the fact that they add sorbitol and sucralose.

Another product that I've recently discovered is a combination of ALA & CoQ10 from Source Naturals. It has 30 mg of each.

Andy recommends 100-400 mg of Coenzyme Q10 as a supplement, so this might integrate nicely for some people.

Moving up, several manufacturers, including TwinLabs, make ALA in 50 mg dosages. Solgar makes one with a 60 mg dosage. And a whole host of manufacturers make ones with higher dosages.

Any comments or other suggestions welcome.


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