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Re: Dominant activities
pb3046 Views: 3,166
Published: 18 y
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Re: Dominant activities

I have hesitated to answer your post as I read it a couple of days late, and did not know if you were still checking, but since you are, let me put in my two cents here.

Sounds like they are probably on a really bad diet, possibly high Sugar and high starch, am I right?

No matter what is wrong with them, they are not going to change until they want to change, and the more you push, the more they will resist. When there is a situation you cannot change and people you love are involved, the only things you can do are love them, pray for them, and change yourself.

They possibly can be inspired to change, but they cannot be demanded to change, or shamed into changing. Back off of the subject, let them know you really love them, and compliment them on every tiny thing you can. When they see how emotionally stable and happy you are, they can be inspired to make their changes. This will happen as their self esteem increases. But if you push, at all, they will just push back.


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