Re: Calm down!
That's great advice Molly.
I also want to add that you might try taking a little L Tryptophan. It is very calming. I am a type A personality - hyper-vigilent, paranoid - always thinking about the worst case scenario. My kids have always called me a worryWart.
The tryptophan has worked wonders for me. I don't ever take it during the day because it would put me to sleep but it does calm me down and in a pinch if I were really freaking out ai might do it. Generally AI take it at night and it helps me to sleep without any side effects.
Rember - there are other fish in the sea. lots and lots of them - don't give all your power away. Sometimes if thing DON'T work out we think it is the end of the world and then six months down the road we are wondering what all the fuss was about. It's probably hormones.
If he is a good guy then he deserves your love - but also he may not be also he could be a good guy but not the right one - whatever the case - we all go through these things and we all get over them. Maybe it was meant to be but maybe it wasn't - in any case there is always some wonderful experience waiting in the wings. Do what molly says and try to relax. Take a deep breath and let go....
Let us kno how it goes sweetie!