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Recommended that this is posted here
sugarlily Views: 2,067
Published: 18 y

Recommended that this is posted here

It was recommended by a member that I post this here. I feel they are right in their observation. Here is my original message:

I don't know where to even start. I was on Mircette birth control for 8 months and was experiencing some severe headaches so I was told to stop taking it. I was in the middle of my pack. Within 2 days, I started feeling some anxiety. It was steady but levelled off and was manageable. My bf and I had a falling out and separated for a week. It stressed me out but we talked and straightened things out. Then, within the last week, the anxiety has shot through the roof. Within the last 5 days, I have barely eaten, food makes me want to throw up, I can't sleep, my focus is on my bf and I am convinced that something bad is going to happen. Completely irrational thoughts. I can't even think about him without starting to panic. I have trouble leaving my house. Alcohol and caffeine seem to make things a hundred times worse. I feel like I can't breathe. Mircette made me extremely calm and happy. I've lost interest in my usual activities and basically getting ready for the day is hard. I am back on the Mircette as of Sunday. I am also taking B complex, GABA, and magnesium/potassium. It's slightly more under control but I don't feel like myself. My brain is foggy and unfocused. I was doing the LBB barefoot herbalist cleansing pills for a week or so before this all started. I need help. I don't want to take more supplements. I am very close to going to the doctor and getting a prescription. I'm at the end of my rope with this.

Here is a response by another member that I think is correct


I think she is right. I have had another relationship where I went into absolute high panic mode if he didn't call me back within a few minutes of me calling. I do feel that I am addicted to my bf. I would really like some feedback with this.


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