19 y
Re: is removal of mercury a danger as well? where is there a good dentist in MI or MA
This is good info, and I am sorry to offend. It is just that I have a ton of silver fillings, mostly from childhood, but have no auto-immune problems, and I do not become ill as often as most people, etc, etc.
CAll me defensive about it, but I really cannot see any harm at all that's been done to me from my fillings.
Maybe most bodies sometimes just adjust and others cannot. Maybe we are evolving into stronger people with our silver fillings and the weak just die off?
(could not resist that one)
It is an extremely expensive proposition for most people to do this, no?
I am skeptical over some people making so much money off of something that most people probably don't need.
If it is marketed as a treatment to the few who are ill and may require such treatment, fine, but for the rest of the population - well it just seems like a lot of clever justification to line someone's pockets to me.
Hey, it's obviously your ballgame. Do your thing. Sorry I answered.