We never really can be sure that all of the news we hear is true. We can be "reasonably" sure if we hear about it from one source and it is verified by another, but we can't be sure the origin of the information was accurate, objective, or reliable. They might have had a bias and a certain agenda/objective/goal and don't want us to have a complete understanding or know the REAL reason/circumstances.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency held a fake news conference. It was recorded live on television fifteen minutes after reporters were told it would be held and the crowd consisted of the agency's own people that asked "soft" questions and gave good performance reviews (complements) of how they responded to the Californisa fires. They got caught and had to apologize for the "trick".
This video is their public relations deception.
At this site, press CTRL F (control key + F), enter INVADE, press enter. There are many things we are not told, so what makes us think that we will know the truth of what we are told?
This recieved very little press coverage (they'd rather not have more questions than necessary. The police and fire departments were included in the exercise, but they rather not have a whole nation ask questions).
Remember, these "benevolent" exercises are carried out while half of our National Guard and 30% of their heavy equipement are in Iraq and we are left vulnerable to hurricanes and wildfires in California (benevolent exercises? truth?).
The results of the earlier exercises were also kept secret from Congress (congress complained about that, but got nowhere).
The U.S. government is not going to tell us the truth on things that really matter (only the little things, lest we get restless, distractions from the truth pacify us).
The ONLY REAL truth is what God speaks to us (not what we simply READ in scripture.
There's even bogus/faulty scripture today. The first time I ever saw the NKJV in the American Bible Society bookstore, I was shocked (God never used 3-sided symmetric symbols or logos, SUPPOSEDLY Christians made a "fish" symbol, but it is NOT a logo for God). God is NOT a club or organization with any partisan need for "branding" anyone.
We are going to have to make DISCERNMENT an art in order to navigate all the deceptive information that we will encounter in the future and learn to notice 'red flags' (signs that the information is false).