They are both the same God alright but different personalities,,, the psychopath family man...the Cybil Creator of death... two voices... same God... knowing the distinction between the two voices is the beginning of discernment. When I read religious texts... the love saying pop out at me and remind me of the being of light I met in heaven... but when I read of a hateful God sending angels or she-bears to do his dirty werk.. I connect those words with the lesser God that I met outside the atmosphere. The english version of who God is may elude to there being one personality of God but there a more many dozens of words used to describe God in the Torah and New Testament. All called God but different personalities... but the God of my NDE is love.... and that is the last name I need to call love...but I do call this being God(Yah)...sometimes..,
The light that runs between all of God who is love...the Father of that light is love...but the father of things that die is the lesser God... my perspective...however... Neither being in my NDE said that they were "God." A friend of mine said this being called himself "I am" in his NDE. but I like Yah because it reminds me of mercy and kindness... kind of like an informal name of one's mother or father...the one I run to when things get rough....