Re: Dry fast
The book was Eating For Health by Dr. Abromowski. It was published in South Melbourne Vic Aus in around 1911, or maybe a bit earlier. It is well out of print now, a priceless book to be sure. I was lucky to get a copy just to read I no longer have access to it. There are some articles online about Dry Fasting and if you google it you will find some interesting and useful reading material about it.
My interest in fasting was part of my interest in finding a better way to live healthily. I was more or less healthy on my first fast but had been contemplating fasting for many years and decided it was time to give it a go. Just reading about it and talking about was hardly enough, it had to be tried.
My recent fasting is to rid myself of obesity though. Over the last 6 years or so due to extreme work and family stresses I have been overeating shamelessly. I have tried at various times to fast in that time but each time stress has beat me down and the comfort eating has returned. This time the motivation is strong and enduring and I'm sure I'll go the distance. Weight wise I have already lost over half what I needed to in a little over two months.