Re: Support/experience/suggestions requested regarding persistent viral misery
Read this:
I think that coconut oil is fabulous:)
Also, get ye some Carlson's cod liver oil to help with the blues. And make sure that you get outside, even on the dreary days. Natural light, sun or no. Even on cloudy days the sun gets through...:)
Also, found this this AM whilst googling about:
Hulda Clark ...
"Ozonated olive oil kills viruses. And it kills viruses, not only in the blood stream and your tissues, but even when they are latent in your chromosomes. That is something that has never been done before. We used to oxygenation the blood with ozone infusions in the past, but we found this also to be a good treatment, and of course I have always tried to find a method that lay people can do themselves at home."
I WISH that we could just tell you, do A, B and C and you'll be fine. After having reviewed Hopinso's post(BTW, I think she's brilliant), I think that there's a good chance that the
Iodine brought this stuff out of "hiding"....
How to best deal with it? I don't know. If you DO choose to continue with I at this point, I would certainly not dose heavily. I puts the organs of elimination through a hell of a workout and your liver has been recently abused with the drugs. If you choose to use I, maybe consider pulsing the dosing, 3 days on, 4 days off. You need to detox/heal GENTLY. And eat clean. No processed foods, good oils. Keep your diet simple, not too many different foods at a meal...a good book for you would be "The
Liver Cleansing Diet" by Sandra Cabot.
At any rate, I see good advice/ideas throughout this thread. Hang in there. The road has many twists and turns...