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Re: Support/experience/suggestions requested regarding persistent viral misery
sandover Views: 2,149
Published: 18 y
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Re: Support/experience/suggestions requested regarding persistent viral misery

Hi W --

I am a big fan of Polyface -- Joel is just over the mountain in the "Valley" and of course is a pioneer in general and here in Central VA with grass/pasturefed and organic stuff. We can get Polyface products here as it is close.

I guess my real question to you and other iodiners is more one of the relationship between Iodine and antiviral. I have never before had a flu, for instance, but this is knocking me out plus taking me out (the migraine being a separate issue, really -- that was as bad before and after, and the viral thing is just a protracted problem).

I have spent all summer anxious to resume Iodine and OP (both, coincidnetally or not, are linked at least anecdotally to ending migraine, and I have enough experience with both the know that they can stir things up and move them out pretty quick). I also want to get back in to liver flushing, etc. (particularly in light of the hundreds of pills I have taken this summer). However, I just cannot physically and practically stand more syptoms. That's not a melodramatic statement but a complete sentence: we went for a rare evening out tonight and I did my usual anti-migraine routine, and was fine when we left and by the time we returned home two hours later, I could not walk up the stairs. Many of you know this is not mental aggravation; I have spent time hiking when I have walked 30-mile days, and so forth (plus I am a twins mother -- the point is I can endure a LOT!). But I feel absolutely torn between getting back into I and OP, etc. and suffering more detox (that's a question -- has anyone experienced this sort of chronic viral weakness) fast, vs. the get-up-and-get-back-in-the-ring allopathic mentality (which I have an appreciation for at this point -- I don't prefer or like pills, but when you are faced with being able to care for children v. not take pills, you lower the standards we hold around here).

Now, I have been at the depths of things like depression, alcoholism, crack addiction, etc. -- but I'll say this -- I have never before felt so utterly confused and desperate for a path or course. My choices are, for instance, Demerol vs. stuffing 1/8 t. cayenne pepper up my nose (both which I have done as a last resort several times this summer and neither of which is a real easy thing to do). I have taken drugs that have impaired my ability to speak. It has been so difficult, so this viral thing on top of it all leaves me without recourse.

Should I stop the Iodine for now in hopes that the viral thing will resolve or go back into hiding? I don't think the migraine is going anywhere at alll, and my Catch-22 fear is that I need the powerful antiviral effects of I/OP to get rid of the migraine.

Let me say, finally, that I have tried everything from homeopathy over time to Demerol via injection. Butturbur, feverfew, Magnesium. triptans -- there is no stone I havc left unturned, and I am at least grateful enough to be able to sit in front of this computer long enough to get back to you guys. Thanks.

:( Laura


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