Support/experience/suggestions requested regarding persistent viral misery
(I cut and pasted this from OP because I am almost out of time up here, so please forgive the OP focus, though I never OP w/o
Iodine involved somehow!)
Hi all,
I am hopeful that someone will provide me with guidance or experience here, as I feel like crap and am not sure whether to abandon oil pulling and
Iodine or to keep going.
In brief, I have had chronic migraines for several months now. Of varying degrees of severity, but pretty miserable all summer and well into the fall. During that Early June-late September time, I stopped OP and
Iodine (the two therapies I was using last fall/winter onward) not intentionally but just because as a primarily single mother with two two-year-olds, it was largely all I could do to keep them safe and fed and the house in some semblance of order as I really only had some migraine-free time early in the mornings.
Anyway, in late Setpember I resumed my OP/iodine regime. I am hardly a pioneer on wither front, sticking at OP 1x/day with coconut or sesame, and then Iiodine supplementation of about 35 mg/day.
I did test positive for strep in late September and was treated with
Antibiotics . Afterward I did coconut oil and probiotics and thought that maybe I was feeling bad because of the
Antibiotics and so forth.
However, that intermittent "bad" feeling has continued until now (so for several weeks). A 97.2-3 temp, hot spells (not perimenopause), weakness, etc. I have had a theory it is the antiviral agent of the EVCO stirring dormant virus up and moving it, hopefully, out.
Nonetheless, it can be debilitating in that I get so spacey and weak I can't be present for children and dogs, for instance. I went back to the doctor and confirmed that the strep is gone, but she also said that while she tested for mono, which I don't have, the viral metric was up, indicating that my body is fighting something or another.
Seeking advice as to what to do. I am kind of readdicted to EVCO and of course I use EVCO and iodine on my face (which is totally clear these days), in my ears (on Q-tips), and to pull with.
An endocrinologist friend said to look at calcium and adrenal function, but this summer in conjunction with the migraine stuff, I tested normal to excellent on endocrine/fats/etc. panels.
Thanks, all, and hope it is as beautiful where you are as it is here in Richmond....