Re: Fluke lineup
This is astounding. You have been going through allot with this infestation. I can feel for you.
You have zeroed into the origin of your infestation but I can't, for the life of me, figure out how on earth I got them. I don't eat snails, I don't hang around snails. I don't eat watercress - nothing. The only thing I can think of is the fact that some of them can enter directly by way of your skin. When I was little, we had a camp in the Pennsylvania mountains. We would go swimming in the nearby creek all the time. But, it was a fairly fast moving body of water.
I have read that if you take herbs to kill
parasites for too long, you are in danger of getting resistant bugs. So, with that in mind, I am waiting for 3 months before starting another round of them.
Another thing that I am surprised over is the fact that, when I read of someone who has flukes, they also seem to always have tape worms with them. I have never seen any tape worms - yet. When I lay down at night, though, my skin jumps, all over my body. Before, I thought it was just nerves, but now I am not so sure.