Hi Carole,
I, too, have had a fluke problem I didn't know was the cause of my liver problems until 2 months ago. Medical Dr's would never have diagnosed with the true problem was- I had all kinds of test, had my gall bladder removed..and found out about the liver flushes, which I did before I knew to
parasite cleanse. Dr. Sutter actually was who told me that my liver would never heal if I didn't do a
parasite cleanse, and he thought I had a fluke problem. I had Dr. Sandra Cabot "The Liver Dr's" anti
parasite capsules on hand already- I'd actually bought them for my daughter who came back from Fiji, and went through the one week, medical stuff. The Alt Med Dr. told me that the herbs need to be done for no less than 2 months, and that the one week medical stuff doesn't clean out the
parasites at all the stages- eggs etc.
I started on Dr. Cabot's, and saw flukes the next day- starting at the recommended starting dosage of 1 capsules, 3x a day- and then after a week, 2capsules, 3x a day. In the meantime, Dr. Sutter had told me about Barefoot's dewormer, and said that's what he uses- along with other things. I started with it when it arrived. It's going on 8 weeks now, and I knew after one month that there was no way I could stop, I feel them in there, and my insides have sore spots from them chewing on me; at times it feels like someone has reached inside of me with both hands, and with one hand on the far right side, and one hand on the far left side, it feels like someone is sqeezing for all they are worth. My liver has felt like a full water balloon until just recently, FINALLY, it's not feeling so congested as it has been for MONTHS..even with doing liver flushes.
I started on Vaxa, herbal/homeopathic a week and 1/2 ago, along with still taking Dr. Cabot's and occasionally, Barefoot's, and this past week has been astounding for the tape worms and large, 4
inch intestinal flukes. I don't know how to tell the difference to identify the pancreatic fluke. I tested positive, high for chronic/reactive Epstein Barr Virus, and from what Newport found in
Hulda Clark 's book, EBV is tied to pancreatic fluke.
I also found the
Hulda Clark clean up for tough worms on curezone, and have been doing it the last week.
I know it sounds aggressive to be doing everything- I've built up to it, which I do believe is important. I am still going to invest in a zapper too.
There are all kinds of government studies on cattle, sheep, deer, moose, etc. and pictures of fluke infested animal livers...that's what our liver's look like too. They plug up the bile ducts. Animals die from them, and usually the only way they know what the problem is that killed them, is doing a autopsy and slicing into the liver in thin slices. The ranch in Oregon where I used to live..we never could save the liver of the cows we butchered, they were always full of flukes- slugs were very common there. We even dewormed the cows..but I'm sure only once a year, and not enough to break the cycle, plus the pastures reinfected them.
I had NO idea people get liver flukes, until I started seeing them first hand in the toilet. I will not stop deworming and being aggressive in killing these things off because I know they are destroying my insides. There are different products that contain some different herbs- and the Vaxa contains the homeopathic remedies..but there is no way I will stop until I no longer FEEL them in there. Had I stopped at the dosages a lot of the products say to do- at 30 days- I would never have gotten to the tape worms and the flukes I've seen just this past week- and I know there's more to come.
I know the ozonated oil/L-Cysteine Dr. Clark, tough worm clean up is helping to get them too. THe ozonated oil penetrates the tough skin. I also do the CoQ10 megadose once or twice a week.
The Alt Med Dr. told me that I can expect to be alternating things to get these killed for a good year- and I believe him. One tape worm can live 33 years, and lay a million eggs a day. Each segment has a male and female part that can break off and reproduce. THere is no way I am going to stop hammering at them knowing that I'm killing them. Let more rehatch?- NO WAY!
It gets mentally tiring seeing the darned things day in and day out- but the alternative is--them staying inside of me and continuing to have me for dinner. My insides are a mess- there's no way it can heal in there until they are no longer eating on me- I know I'm full of holes.
I did a
Liver Flush a few weeks ago that producted 1 3/4 to almost 2 inch, brown, clay,
liver stones . From the information Telman gave for this type of stone- they come from the liver, and form when the bile ducts have been plugged up. That's what the danger of a fluke infested liver/pancreas/bile ducts is- not to mention the ammonia and bacterias they put out.
THis is just one of the many pic's you can find of infected fluke livers in animals, and there are alot more if you do a search for "liver fluke" and click image, and then click on the url's for the image. This link is incorrect too, in that it says "Humans are not affected" which we know is wrong. Click on the image of the pictures to see the picture enlarged.