Re: why do you take iodine?
I found iron, used it and it saved my life, then I found raw foods and it improved my health and I lost weight (71
lbs. in 6 months), then I found the cleanses like colon and liver cleanses, then an awesome
parasite and worm cleanse that I'm going to do again, and I so much wanted off the only medication I've been on which was thyroid meds so I could really feel like it's my life and health and not someone else prescribing for me and so I tried
Iodine and it worked! No more thyroid meds for me and I feel better on
Iodine than I ever did on 31 years of thyroid meds.
I introduced my depressed son to the
Iodine and it changed his life around! I can't say enough good things about taking Iodine!