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Re: why do you take iodine?
pixie_poet Views: 3,236
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 1,022,643

Re: why do you take iodine?

1) I'm desperate and will try anything (for my mom and I)
2) To kill candida
3) To reverse arteriosclerosis
4) To boost energy
5) To reverse gray hair
6) To get rid of dry thick skin
7) I am also hoping it will solve my eczema problems

I am not sure it will do any of these but we'll see. I just started so none of these things are healed/cured yet... I am hoping for the best, of course. I believe in Liver Flushing so I have been doing that for years.

I am a 40 years old female with puffy bags under my eyes. I have: Epstein Barr Virus, Candida, Leaky Gut, digestive enzyme defiicient, eczema. I always get lots of stones during a liver flush... but that is another story (belonging in the Liver Flush Forum ).


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