First of all your statement of protein makes you feel better indicates that you are parasympathetic dominant. a long term for saying your metabolism is slow... eating pasta or any refined carbo is another clue that you are PSD as well as the weight issues... these are signs that you are hypoglycemic (pancreas is under stress)*** ... a hair analysis from would be a good idea.... probably are calcium heavy, thyroid insufficent. as someone mentioned iodine/chromium would be called for, but it would be advisable to have the hair analysis done to find the other missing minerals ((all minerals should be in range)))
***there are some Ayurvedic products that can support the blood sugar/pancreas such as
what you describe is a systemic problem... probably involves the adrenal/liver endocrine immune etc.
main culprits are pathogens/mineral imbalance (nutriion) / toxicity of liver colon etc. //endocrine imbalances
I would keep on the parasite protocol if that doesn't resolve your problems, look at yeast infections, viral issues