Re: any feedback PLEASE!!!
I was in the same situation as you. Had to try brutally hard to budge the scale, and my weight would creep up on its own. No metabolism.
Then I accidentally discovered a parasite, went on a cleanse and lost 20
lbs. The weight just fell off. The irony was that I couldn't care less -- I was too freaked out about my condition, thinking my life was coming to an end or something like that! I also had minimal appetite while on the cleanse.
Now, I DON'T recommend a
parasite cleanse for weight loss purposes!
But in my case, I feel my liver was overburdened with fighting my heavy worm load and couldn't deal with other issues like metabolism.
I did see liver flukes during my cleanse so I'm sure they were taking up residence in my liver.
I simply offer this as a possibility that you could be battling the same thing.
And yes, you may also be low in minerals.