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rudenski Views: 2,507
Published: 18 y
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It is good to hear from you.... I think these are moments that are not by chance... I have been to where you have been...and it gives me the courage to be bold... I have been trying to tie down who this Librarian I met in my NDE is but then it finally occurred to me that even as there are two sets of books in criminal enterprises...there are two sets of books in my NDE...

I know it seems a contradiction....but there are two sets of books.... films... 3D records of our life...and every life...and the lives of every spirit....but this first record was superseded in my a filter program...and I know there is a better description....but it was a G rating filter...The Librarian of this world is limited to space and time to show his terror films...but there are two librarians at least...and I went to two...there is one library in heaven and one between the atmosphere and heaven...the one in heaven is where we get our final draft to show to God who is love,,,but that librarian in heaven is not God... and there is another library where we plan our fall..into bodies...outside of heaven... kind of like a wyrm processing plant...The collector of all of the films in time and space places all of his 3D books or the location of the libraRY outside of heaven...he collects 3D videos of every soul and spirit's actions and intentions,,,BUT HE DOES NOT GET OUR SOULS...but they sure look like us....he is the God of this world...through the ages...but the librarian in heaven(who is not God) is a different sort of being....kindness and forgiveness are the energy that comes from this being,,,,but in both libraries...this heavenly librarian protects us ....and he has a filter that allows Yah or the God who is love to see move the record from outside of heaven into the presence of God who is love...without us dying.... I know it seems confusing but one is a gift to a child who is running away from home where mum packs his lunch for him for the journey and the other is place to prepare for the coming home a scrap book of love....

May Yah who is love bless you....


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