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WhistlingBooger Views: 2,780
Published: 18 y
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Hi rudenski,
I just want to say I've read 20 or so of your posts, and I know you and I met the same being. You and I had different experiences but the essence was the same.

There is a "judgment" if you want to call it that, but it’s nothing to fear. Who could fear the most loving person you’ve ever met? Did that review of your life pass by like a VCR tape of fast forward, but you could feel each experience in real time? That’s what it was for me. Also there is no hell except in this body. I don't watch very much TV any more either. Can't find a church that satisfies me with all the dogma mixed in.

I think like you said God makes "heaven" the way you want it to be, or in a way that is comfortable for each person depending on the circumstances for that person. There was like different planes of existence or rooms if you want to call it that, but you could go to any plane you wanted to if you like. It’s all up to you. For me God was a loving wave (just like on the ocean) of spiritual light that ran right into every cell in my body. I could still feel the love for a few days afterwards. Also, I didn’t see pride in God, it was more like full confidence. And also like you said it isn’t God who puts us back here, it’s us. God is there like a helper that makes what we want for our advancement, happen. What ever we see that need is, or that we’re ready for, God is ready to make happen like a loving parent. Like you said God seemed to be beyond male or female. God just is.

You are so right about forgiveness too. It’s the key to loves gate. I don’t know if it’s possible to love without forgiveness. Even forgiving the bug that flies in your eye. There are lessons to learn from it all, and if you don’t learn from it, it will return until you do learn.

Just my point of view in the following, but I bet as soon as you get back to the other side again, you'll be right back here very quickly, especially since the past, present and future are all the same.
What can you gain from a new earth with no tribulations? Heaven was a place of no tribulations for me, and it’s nice, but here is where I advance, and that’s the goal for me. I know you are committed to advancement or you wouldn’t say the things like you haven’t earned your way into the light yet.
Also, for me I don’t see how I can learn how to not have a broken heart without having it broken. Seperating yourself from the problem doesn't make it go away right? I know like you said that you don't want to break other hearts, but it can help both parties involved if they're willing to learn from it. In reality there are no broken hearts, only broken egos and that's no loss because egos are the illusion of separation, and there is no separation.
Also is it real to see the world through rose colored glasses? For me that only creates more problems. For me, it’s more about being a mirror or calm lake that reflects reality as it passes by, like it truly is, without the need for my judgments that change it. Like you said follow love where ever it may lead.

Keep posting the great things you learned R! I love reading them and remembering things I forgot, learning new things and having it urge me forward. Plus it reminds me that I am not alone as far as my experiences in life.


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