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Re: Rudy - about love and stuff
rudenski Views: 2,517
Published: 18 y
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Re: Rudy - about love and stuff

I know that I left love...and even though I did so with my own free-will... I can't help but notice that my second... third...and fourth love...and on and on my next loves...until I end this walk away from my first love...finds me back the presence of my first love again...but I do have a sense of sadness...because what I really wanted to do with each and every one of those second...third...and fourth loves...and on and on and next to love these latter loves the way that I was loved...and I fail to do so every day... I could quit chasing after the comfort and warmth of this world but I am still here... so if you see what I see...that certain sadness... it is for all of the injuries I have caused in this journey... stumbling around taking other's magic and sometimes I don't give back as much as I was given...

I try every day to reach that place of balance...but every day my foot crushes blades of grass... I swat a mosquito...or break a heart... it is all the same to in a body means, I will cause harm by my very existence in it...but at least I know, I am amongst the whole of us who all agreed to do so and forgive each other all harm... The trick I think is to do all of our forgiveness while we live in bodies...because there is no trick to forgiveness on the other side...all is forgiven...and all love...where time ends...when every spirit and soul is through looking for love... no matter how small... will return from searching for its second... third...and fourth love...and on and on to next loves...will find their way back love.


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