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Re: Rudy - about love and stuff
rudenski Views: 2,504
Published: 18 y
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Re: Rudy - about love and stuff

I know how I was judged with perfect love by love itself... I am not sure if I am "too" hard on myself so much as I know what makes it to the other side(love)...and I would like to add as much loving kindness as I can to who love is... so if I am hard on myself it is because this is my last fall(I hope)(even though I have a dream of returning one last time to an earth free of death and dying) and if I can get all my forgiveness done in this life... it will make the road home a fine ride... not so much heavy junk to throw off on the way to the light...and when i arrive... I want to say to love that I have learned my lessons and I no longer want to burn...down there in the underworld where I learned my lessons of love... still I know that my ego is the one who will not let go... I do judge myself much more than I judge others... When I arrive at that place though... a perfect balance...of love... and self love...I will not need this body anymore...and walk into the light...

"Every time you fail, you eliminate one more way that doesn't work" - Thomas Edison"



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