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Image Embedded Mesentery Painting 20 FAQ (Requently Asked Questions)
ladylove Views: 51,640
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Mesentery Painting 20 FAQ (Requently Asked Questions)

Hi Wombat :),

I have put together a list of questions, a list of questions with answers, and many of the answers have links.

I think this list of ??? is a good base, but folks will be able to add their own to the FAQ, isn't that right? The same way as we can with the Iodine Supp FAQ at:


Here's the list of Questions:

Mesentery Painting Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Q: What is Mesentery Painting?

2. Q: What forms of Iodine have been used for Mesentery Painting?

3. Q: How much Lugol's is used for Mesentery Painting?

4. Q: Did you ingest less Iodine when you began Mesentery Painting?

5. Q: How did Mesentery Painting get started?

6. Q: Why did Mesentery Painting get started?

7. Q: Where is the target location to paint for Mesentery Painting?

8. Q: How do I locate the proper position for painting the Mesentery?

9. Q: What can I do to facilitate the effectiveness of Mesentery Painting?

10.Q: Why paint the Mesentery rather than some other location?

11.Q: What are the reported physical effects of Mesentery Painting?
Short Term
Mid (Short and Long) Term (Over the first few days):
Long term (Reported ongoing and constant from 3 days onward):

12.Q: What experiences have others reported with Mesentery Painting?

13.Q: Will Mesentery Painting interfere with my sleep?

14.Q: Will it be necessary to change or increase my supporting supplements (Selenium, Magnesium, Vit C, Salt push, etc)?

15.Q: Have any adverse reactions have been reported with Mesentery Painting?

16.Q: If I think I am experiencing an adverse reaction, what should I do?

17.Q: What conclusions have been reached about about Mesentery Painting so far?


17.Q: What is Lymph?

18.Q: How is the Lymph moved through the body?

19.Q: What are Lymph nodes?

20.Q: What is the Mesentery?

Here's the list of questions with answers:

1. Q: What is Mesentery Painting?

A: It is the practice of painting a fist-sized spot (Your own fist size, approximately) on the soft tissue at the midline of the torso and immediately below the point of the sternum and the ribcage bones.

2. What forms of Iodine have been used for Mesentery Painting?

A: Lugol's 5%,

Exceptions: One person used standard Drugstore Iodine Tincture with good results for the first day, then switched to Lugol's solution thereafter.

(Std. Drugstore Iodine Tincture)

(Std. Drugstore Iodine Tincture)

However, Lugol's is the recommended medium for Mesentery Painting.

3. How much Lugol's is used for Mesentery Painting?

A: Usually about 2-5 vertical drops, for a 140 lb ectomorphic woman. Some folks have reported using up to 10 drops, but most stick to 5.

(2 vertical drops)

(5 vertical drops)

(5 drops)

(10 drops)

4.Q: Did you ingest less Iodine when you began Mesentery Painting?

A: No, didn't change the amount of ingestion at all, just added Mesentery Painting to it as an addition.

…"PS: I have been at 10 Horizontal drops per day, 5 days per week for 3 months, and have just 3 days ago increased to 15 Horizontal drops per day. All skin painting was an additional 2 vertical drops per day on the mesentery, and while ingesting 15 Horizontal drops. –L"…


…"..melting/clearing, opening, vibrating. Unobstructing.

My nose did not run, although there was a slight increase of moisture *way* up at the root of it. The obstruction of the air passages just left. It was a successive clearing.

I am using *Lugol's 5%*.

The first time I painted the mesentery I used 2 drops. Most recently I have used 5 drops, and various amounts in between.

The first time I did it, the physical response was quite perceptible. Each successive time (About 6 now), it is still quite perceptible, but the first time I wasn't sure what to look for- I just 'opened', watched and waited.

Although it is also true that I am extremely sensitized to the movement of energy, one cannot deny the precipitate presence of moisture in the nasal passages as they clear and un-swell, or a smooth, quick, opening of the ears.

That's the best description I can give you, unless I think of something else :).

Thanks for the good words, Cora :)XO

Good Health to All of Us,


PS: I did not decrease the amount I of Lugol's ingested when I did this."…



5. How did Mesentery Painting get started?

A: Ladylove initiated Mesentery Painting, after ingesting Lugol's for about 4 months, in order to determine whether painting the mesentery would "work from the outside toward the inside" as a direct approach, in order to more effectively clear a challenged Lymph system and metabolism in general.:

This was also intended to enable those with a challenged symporter system to more efficiently benefit from Iodine Supplementation, without wasting Iodine resources.


…"So there's more going on than you know about, so what? Aren't we all trying to figure out what's going on?

I mean, since the humungo big, omniscient "doctors" can't figure out what really actually is wrong with anybody until the person gets to *autopsy*.

I mean we who are currently *living* (And intending to stay that way) must use in vivo observation and shared communication to arrive at our missing answers, yes?

OK, done preaching and on to my theory:

I am noticing a difference between painting Iodine and ingesting it. I have used only Lugol's 5%, since I began ingesting Iodine and am currently taking between 10 & 15 horizontal drops per day, on the days which I take it.

With ingesting only, my skin did get much silkier and I love that. But there are some more localized issues with my skin, sinuses and respiratory system that seem to respond better to painting.

May I suggest that you paint some of your Iodine in about a fist-sized spot, right smack on your Solar Plexus, below the lower end of your Sternum, right below where your rib cage comes together? Not over the bones, but over the soft tissue (Mesentery).I used about 5 drops or so.

That's what I did, and within several seconds, I felt it rise to my face, lungs, nose, sinuses and Eustachian tubes. These things did not happen nearly as much nor as quickly when I painted 2 drops of Lugol's directly onto my face, nor when ingesting the Lugol's internally.

I think I am onto something here, and you can add to the data by testing this..

I think that there is some kind of Iodine gateway (Or maybe a membraneous wall that, in me, seems to be obstructed and may need help) from the inside to the outside of our bodies, and I hope to facilitate that highway by approaching it from both ends. I feel that for me time is of the essence, otherwise I'd just keep going and wait it out, knowing that eventually, things will clear up.

I do not have zits or anything like that, but there is some kind of hard, plastic-y substance which my skin is attempting to eject. It doesn't make a zit, it makes a bump similar to a clear blackhead, which I then have to scratch/dig off and out of the surface of my skin. These spots occur near Lymph nodes, and more near swollen spots, so I know that's what's going on.

I don't have many of them, but I know every inch of this burg, so to speak, and I know when something's happening that didn't before.

I can see from my irises that my Lymph system has been obstructed. I do know why it probably happened, I just want it gone from my physical system, *now*.

So there you have it, my theory of painting-does-different-than-ingesting.

If you give this a try, please post back so I know what happened.

Another possibility is, I may go to Potassium Iodide or-Iodate saturated solution for painting, but I haven't decided yet.


Good Health to All of Us,

Ladylove :)


…".and that is exactly why I was intuitively prompted to paint this area. In specific my major physical challenge is in the Lymph system, followed closely by the small intestine :).

I mean, the words Mesentery and Peyer's Patches were visible in my mind when I did it, along with an image of the position of the Mesentery column in the human body, and the clear impression was to paint at the lower end of the Mesentery, I believe this is because one of the major Lymphatic ducts empties there, also because gravity precipitates any particulate matter there.

I also have to say some really great insight has opened back up in me since I started this painting, as well. I almost wrote 5 pages on it today- Dropped into some kind of (Really great) wonderful clear state and HAD to start writing about it.

It was all about how Iodine works, went into religion, came out at infinity, and- I've got it all on paper!!! Well, in my word processor at least.. I intend to carry it on and continue it until I can coalesce it into a contiguous piece of work on this.

One thing I can tell you for sure- Iodine opens up your brain, in a very clear and calm way, and from what I am seeing/experiencing, this method of painting is the best way to do it.. It happened *fast*, and it started with this."…


OK, I am using Lugol's 5% solution, and I have used that exclusively since day 1.

Here are a couple of my observations of the difference between ingesting it orally as opposed to painting it on the external skin:

In my experience, there is a distinct difference.

When I ingest it, a difference showed up in my skin within a few days, it was softer, silkier, very nice to touch. The size of my breasts increased, as I have already posted in the past. There was a very slow response in my sinuses, after quite some time (Several weeks, as I recall), after first becoming more sinus-congested, they finally began clearing.

After several weeks, I began to also put 2 drops on my skin, at the end of my sternum (Breastbone), IOW at the lower end, i.e., between and below the breasts, I was aiming for the area called the Mesentery.

If I put 2 drops directly on the lower end of my sternum, there is a clearing response within a few minutes in my *sinuses*, and feels like a clearing within my entire head.

There is no particular difference in the texture of my skin from painting the Iodine externally, the response is mainly interior to my cranium and respiratory.

To me, this difference is quite important.

Good Health to All of Us,

Ladylove :)
PS: I have been at 10 Horizontal drops per day, 5 days per week for 3 months, and have just 3 days ago increased to 15 Horizontal drops per day. All skin painting was an additional 2 vertical drops per day on the mesentery, and while ingesting 15 Horizontal drops. –L



…"I deliberately kept the Lugol's off that little pad of fat that is around the navel, because it has been my experience that fat "traps" many substances so that their action is muted thereby, and I didn't want that to happen. I wanted the Lugol's to make it into the mesentery with minimal obstruction.

Chakra-wise, that would have put the Lugol's over my Solar Plexus Chakra (Power center), on the emotional side (Front of the body).

I'm not sure which separate acupoints it was over, but the Conception Vessel (Runs up the center front of the torso) got plenty of it :). I figured that had something to do with it coming seemingly straight up and to my face/sinuses/brain.

My thinking seemed to clarify markedly along with my breathing, this was within several seconds to a minute after applying it.

Why specifically the mesentery- Because I have had the feeling that my Lymph system seems occluded, and I wanted to experiment with a central topical application of Iodine for that- My decision of where to apply it was based solely on intuition.

Good Health to All of Us,

Ladylove :)"



6. Q: Why did Mesentery Painting get started?

A: Original purpose of this Experiment in Mesentery Painting:
In order to determine whether painting the mesentery would "work from the outside toward the inside" as a direct approach, in order to more effectively clear a challenged Lymph system and Respiratory Diaphragm, and facilitate the metabolism in general.

This was also intended to enable those with a challenged Symporter system to more efficiently benefit from Iodine Supplementation, without wasting Iodine resources." It is not a substitute for Symporter access, it is an assist.

…" Why specifically the mesentery- Because I have had the feeling that my Lymph system seems occluded, and I wanted to experiment with a central topical application of Iodine for that-"…



7. Q: Where is the target location to paint for Mesentery Painting?

A: Your Painting target is on the front of your torso, in the approximate location of the Mesentery Lymph Nodes, the Thoracic Duct of the Lymph System and the Cisterna Chyli.




8. Q: Why paint the Mesentery rather than some other location?

A: Because in this central, pivotal location, the entire Lymph system is addressed by the Iodine, which speeds up healing, disinfection and deobstruction of the entire body.

9. Q: What can I do to facilitate the effectiveness of Mesentery Painting?

A: Arch your back while stretching out your front after painting.
You can do this while sitting at an elbow-high table. Place your elbows on the table, and use elbow pressure to raise your chest while arching your back. Breathe deeply in and out while you are stretched. Make an effort to raise your chest while stretching and breathing deeply, but the most important part is the stretch and the breathing.

10. Q: How do I locate the proper position for painting the Mesentery?

A: Paint a fist-sized spot (Approximately the size of your *own* fist) centered on the vertical midline of your torso, but immediately below the tip of your Sternum (Sternum = Breastbone). Keep the Iodine just below the rib bones. When working the Iodine drops into your skin, spread it out toward the sides while keeping the Iodine under the rib bones, rather than letting it get further down into the Omentum (Omentum = Belly fat)

B: Also: Lymph_System_Diagram Uploaded to Iodine Image Gallery 10/1/07.



You are painting a fist-sized spot (Approximately the size of your *own* fist) over the Mesenteric Lymph nodes, the Thoracic Duct and the Cisterna Chyli.

C: Another way to find the position for Mesentery Painting:

From Link:

…"sit up straight as you can wherever you are.

Take your right thumb and put against the right side of your front, just barely below your ribs on the right side, way down below the outside of your right breast.

Your right thumb should be just under your ribs on the right side.

Slide your right thumb along the lower edge of your ribcage toward the center of your ribcage, keeping it below the lowermost rib.

As the thumb slides toward your midline, it should rise to a point at the midline of your torso, just below the lower tip of your breastbone. Your right thumb should be positioned off the breastbone and just below it.

Take the other 4 fingers of your right hand and close them with the thumb to approximate a fist *Without picking your thumb up off your torso*.

Your right "fist" is now laying over the area which you are going to paint.

Now that you know where it is, pick up your right fist, drip your Lugol's on the area the fist was covering, them smear it around in a fist-sized spot. While smearing, try to keep the Lugol's *under* the rib bones. Smear it around and rub it in.

When painting this way, stay off of your depot fat as much as you can, and stay off of bone as much as you can. "…


11. Q: What are the reported effects of Mesentery Painting?

A: Short Term, most have reported (This means the effect typically starts within several seconds to a few minutes of Mesentery Painting):
*A very slight, temporary "brain foggy" or "ungrounded" feeling (Brief)
*Deepened breathing
*Respiratory clearing (An actively opening, unobstructing sensation) in the face, lungs, nose, sinuses and Eustachian tubes
*Upper body more open and relaxed
*Sense of "activation" at the roots of the teeth
*Increased moisture at root of nose
*Antihistamine, un-swelling effect
*Ears may "pop" similar to airplane pressure changes
*Unusually cheerful
*Unusually energetic
*Various benign feelings of "opening" or "expansion"

Mid (Short and Long) Term (Over the first few days):
*More clarity and intuition
*Increase in ability to focus
*Increase in emotional calm and emotional clarity
*Increase in insight into interpersonal relationships and communication
*Clearer view of the end results of efforts
*Increase in the ability to think
*May experience some benign muscular twitching or smooth, steady motion, only reported in right temple

Long term (Reported ongoing and constant from 3 days onward):
*Increase in overall efficiency and positive attitude
*Clearer thinking
*Increase in clarity and strength of intuition
*Easier to get along with others
*Increase in energy level
*Increase in creativity and thinking "outside the box"

Long term:


…"LN, there are very real ongoing Mental/Intuitional effects of this as time has moved forward.

I am pretty much staying at 5 vertical drops.

I have continued expanding the Iodine document I mentioned before. There is a whole picture coming very clear and detailed about what Iodine does and how it works and what to expect- This is *so* good! It's almost like I can "ask the picture, and watch the response". I see what produces skin eruptions, burning, etc., and how to facilitate clearing it/them. The document, as well as my experiences, is/are moving very fast, there's no time to do anything but keep writing.. I hope you will continue to report what occurs with you, too.

A very deep and consistent mentally clear state, a peace of mind, a solid access to the intuition, these things have all become my normal daily state.

I am a little sequestered from outside contact, because I want to focus on this.

Nasal congestion is almost nonpresent now, and my airways are usually quite clear compared to how they were before I started painting. Eye "crusties" in the morning and during the day have abated mostly, and there is an ongoing "oily" proliferation now without much solid material at all. "…

12. Q: What experiences have others reported with Mesentery Painting?

*Deepened breathing:



*A "Clearing" sensation.."within several seconds, I felt it rise to my face, lungs, nose, sinuses and Eustachian tubes."…

*also, thicker skin secretions exiting overnight and for several days:

…"some kind of hard, plastic-y substance which my skin is attempting to eject. It doesn't make a zit, it makes a bump with a head similar to a clear blackhead, which I then have to scratch/dig off and out of the surface of my skin. These spots occur near Lymph nodes, and more near swollen spots"…


*A progressive clearing of nasal airways, with a sense of "Activation":

…"I can best describe it I think, as..
..melting/clearing, opening, vibrating. Unobstructing."…

…"My nose did not run, although there was a slight increase of moisture *way* up at the root of it. The obstruction of the air passages just left. It was a successive clearing."…

…"The first time I did it, the physical response was quite perceptible. Each successive time (About 6 now), it is still quite perceptible, but the first time I wasn't sure what to look for- I just 'opened', watched and waited."…

…"the precipitate presence of moisture in the nasal passages as they clear and un-swell, or a smooth, quick, opening of the ears"…

*Ears popping and opening



…" I also have to say some really great insight has opened back up in me since I started this painting, as well. I almost wrote 5 pages on it today- Dropped into some kind of (Really great) wonderful clear state and HAD to start writing about it.

It was all about how Iodine works, went into religion, came out at infinity, and- I've got it all on paper!!! Well, in my word processor at least.. I intend to carry it on and continue it until I can coalesce it into a contiguous piece of work on this.

One thing I can tell you for sure- Iodine opens up your brain, in a very clear and calm way, and from what I am seeing/experiencing, this method of painting is the best way to do it.. It happened *fast*, and it started with this."…




"But, today just before going to work I read your post about painting on the solor plexus area and thought, why not?, and did so just before leaving for work, a 7 minute drive.

Well, by the time I got to work, I was so cheerful and energic that I did not only my own job very thoroughly, but everyone else's chores I could find to do. But, it was a very nice calm energy and I was humming and singing out loud. For hours, in fact, for my whole shift I never stopped moving! And the songs I was humming and singing were songs from way way back in time that had never even come to my mind before. But it just wasn't a hyperactive sort of energy at all, just very deliberate, calm, but persistent.

This was unique for me. I usually have enough energy to get through the day in the first place, but not like this.

Also, a sort of weird thing happened. When I first started work, I had to take some money and make some change. I'm pretty good at this, but for this first transaction, I really messed it up, it was like my brain got all kaphooey for just a few moments. But that passed and for the rest of the day I had no trouble at all, in fact, it all seemed easier than usual. I'm lazy at the cash register and just hit the "open" button most of the time and make the change from my head and not the machine. Today it just seemed easier than usual.

And, I also found myself mentally planning and organizing things I need to do, while humming all these old old songs. Now, I don't usually do this, I just sort of tackle things as they come up and procrastinate as long as I can. I know this doesn't sound all that unusual but it was for me. I never hum and sing at work, I have hundreds of people to see all day long and try to keep a low profile. And I don't plan ahead very often, but today I made a whole list of things to do. Well see if I actually do them!

But today I was cheerful, upbeat, focused, full of a good energy, and quite musical. I am generally an upbeat person in the first place, but this went beyond my usual demeanor.

I do not ever get headaches and haven't had one with taking the Iodine at all. But I did have a couple of strange sensations early on today after painting with the Iodine. I got a sort of spasm at my temple, first one temple, then the other, and it hurt a little bit, but not like a headache, just a sort spasm. Happened twice and that's it. The rest of the day was wonderful.

I didn't have the sensations that you did though. Perhaps this technique is targetting individually, or perhaps it was the difference in preparations. This iodine that I used just says it's 2% Iodine with some alcohol and sodium iodide.

Tomorrow I'll use the 2% Lugol's and see what happens.

Thank you for posting about this, it was really a lot of fun for me. What a great way to spend my day at work.

Also, thank you to all who have posted about Iodine, I've learned so much and feel much better in very many ways. I'm grateful to you all.

Mamahuhu (humming some old tune) "
And an addition to the first report:


"Ladylove, I forgot to mention that I also had a funny thing going on in my ears today after the painting on my solor plexus.

It was sort of a mild feeling like when you go to a high altitude and your ears pop or change in tune or something. This happened several times today.

I've been having increasing sensations of tinnitis that I only notice at night. This seemed to be in that category.

It was like my ears experienced the symptoms of going into lower or higher altitudes all day long, but in a very mild way, and not with the popping sensation, does that make any sense?

I'll know more when I get to bed and have the quiet of the night to see if there is a difference."…


…"For several seconds I also noticed a slow movement in my right temple the last time I painted (Last night). It is the first time this has happened.

Also, last night I painted 5 vertical drops right before bed. Had *no* trouble sleeping. That is also the first time I have painted while lying down, instead of being vertical :). I am painting once per day, and am using 5 vertical drops of 5% Lugol's each time now.

After a short while, maybe a few minutes, I could feel the Iodine very active at the roots of my teeth, lower teeth first, then it eventually included the uppers- *that* was pretty wild, and this was the first time I noticed it.

I am suspecting that there is some kind of a finer circulatory system that the Iodine facilitates, and it is also clear to me that a high percentage of Iodine's effects include interfacing with the non-physical, more subtle parts of us.

Am I surprised? No.

I do seem to require more water, so folks who are painting this way, I'd keep an eye on that.. It shows up as dry throat first. It is mild though, and not aggressive, although I think it would turn into a problem if I ignored it.

Painting clearly mobilizes the fluid pathways, and needs more water to do it with.

Every other effect I have written of in my previous posts on this topic are still present, although now I expect them :)..

The Iodine seems to be clearing out something, and I am wanting to make very sure that all elimination channels are clear, that feels *really* important. The detritus of this clearing seems like an unusually fine and tenaciously sticky paste, not like simple vegetable matter, and I've had to =>=>kick it out with Sunsweet prune juice and Epsom Salts twice now."…
A little eye puffiness in the morning:


Eye gunk as the eyes detox:



Inside vs. Outside:

, p. 94
Oils/Butters + Lugol's Mesentery painting, LL, p. ?


5 drop/5 day LadyLove's Mesentery painting experiment day 1 by LNDolls, p. 96


5 drop/5 day LadyLove's Mesentery painting experiment day 2 by LNDolls, p. 96


5 drop/5 day LadyLove's Mesentery painting experiment day 3 by LNDolls, p. 96


5 drop/5 day LadyLove's Mesentery painting experiment day 4 by LNDolls, p. 97


5 drop/5 day LadyLove's Mesentery painting experiment day 5 by LNDolls, . 97


(Deepened breathing, p. 96)


I can best describe it I think, as.., p. 96


My Theory of how it works: , p. 96


..melting/clearing, opening, vibrating. Unobstructing.

My nose did not run, although there was a slight increase of moisture *way* up at the root of it. The obstruction of the air passages just left. It was a successive clearing.
Mamahuhu + some further observations..


Savagegrace first usage
IodineMan – Golden feet and palms....;-) , p.96


I paint a 3 inch spot on the solar plexus and feel, nothing.

Not unexpected as I’m male and I’m healthy.

A lot of the “minor” effects people get are due to marginal or poor health.

I ponder a bit about energy and meridians and iodine’s ability to “migrate” rather than needing a “carrier”.

I go to my satchel and find a cosmetic sponge that some good people had said would be best for topical application.

(Always pays to listen to good people, as Q-tips really suck!)

For a healthy person to “get” effects usually a scorched earth policy is best.

Or, one or two orders of magnitude.

So I proceed to paint the bottoms of my feet so the meridians get hit hard.

It looks so cool I say, hey, I’ve got a fashion statement here, I need to share.

So I paint my palms.

Too be honest, I do it for the meridians as well.

Cool! IodineMan has golden palms and soles.

As I place the sponge in a zip lock bag and place it in the satchel, I have a slight dizzy spell, brief.

Followed by slight frontal headache, brief.

Followed by tinnitus or ringing in the left ear, brief.

Followed by an odd feeling under my lower lip, very unusual, brief.

Followed by a headache on the top of the head, brief.

A bit fuzzy in the thinking department for several minutes, kinda, ozone out, sorta thing.

Followed by the noted airplane pressure syndrome in both ears, brief, but would come back later and stay for several minutes.

All the above occurred within an hour of painting.

Feel pretty good overall at present, the slight “airplane” pressure in both ears with occasional tinnitus.

This is IodineMan signing out....;-)
What we think is happening:
Mesentary - Peyer's Patches..



Short and Long Term:
Infi, yes I think you're right.. + observations, please read!..


I also have to say some really great insight has opened back up in me since I started this painting, as well. I almost wrote 5 pages on it today- Dropped into some kind of (Really great) wonderful clear state and HAD to start writing about it.

It was all about how Iodine works, went into religion, came out at infinity, and- I've got it all on paper!!! Well, in my word processor at least.. I intend to carry it on and continue it until I can coalesce it into a contiguous piece of work on this.

One thing I can tell you for sure- Iodine opens up your brain, in a very clear and calm way, and from what I am seeing/experiencing, this method of painting is the best way to do it.. It happened *fast*, and it started with this.
Feeling kinda stupid.... okay, maybe just a little dense -edit-


Locating the place:
I Need A Great Big Favor Please.., by Hopinso, p. 97



Glaxony's first report:


I painted and felt a shift in my sinuses in a matter of seconds. The Lugols burned my skin, however. I have a big red spot on my solar plexus that is going to peel. I will try a more diluted painting once this spot goes away.


My day began and ended late. I took my normal iodine early, worked all day then lay down and did the five drops. I felt no big nothing, but my nasal breathing got clearer... but got to thinking about the last week...
I normally get big icky cystic zits around the day I begin my period. At least one, and they hurt. I also usually crave salt and chocolate the week of my period, get mild cramps and feel drained enough to hit the sheets for an extra bunch of hours sleep at least once.
It so happened that my first day was day 3 of this experiment... no big cycstic zits, no cramps, no fatigue, no extra sleep needed - clear headed, alert, fine - happy even.... and that has continued since. No zits - not bromide, not hormonal, no cramps - none, no cravings, been eating very calmly.
The only down side I can find is the puffy eyes when I first wake up - it passes and is not from salt/water retention - no puffiness anywhere else. I am blowing my nose a lot. The painting site is all calm now, too. NO bumps, no irritation... and I am still using Lugol's - 5 drops. I am pretty sure fewer drops would have an effect, too. I may try that, too.

I gotta say I did not have a hope of the bromide zits not reappearing. I have NOT added more chloride pushes, other vitamins, any other routine.. only the mesentery painting.
They are GONE. And no extra hormonal zits is just an unexpected bonus.

Will I be continuing with the mesentery painting? Oyaz, my momma dint raise no fool! This is excellent, I highly recommend it.


Re: 5 drop/5 day LadyLove's Mesentery painting experiment day 5 + Observations
Hi LN :),
Thank you for your continued reports on the Mesentery Painting. You are the perfect Research Reporter! (I knew to expect that from you :)).
This is about the 4th time I have started a reply to your post.
No zits! That is *so* cool:)! I thought and hoped this would happen!
I have been a bizzy little bee with the Mesentery Painting FAQ, hopefully it won't take too much longer..
LN, there are very real ongoing Mental/Intuitional effects of this as time has moved forward.
I am pretty much staying at 5 vertical drops.
I have continued expanding the Iodine document I mentioned before. There is a whole picture coming very clear and detailed about what Iodine does and how it works and what to expect- This is *so* good! It's almost like I can "ask the picture, and watch the response". I see what produces skin eruptions, burning, etc., and how to facilitate clearing it/them. The document, as well as my experiences, is/are moving very fast, there's no time to do anything but keep writing.. I hope you will continue to report what occurs with you, too.
A very deep and consistent mentally clear state, a peace of mind, a solid access to the intuition, these things have all become my normal daily state.
I am a little sequestered from outside contact, because I want to focus on this.
Nasal congestion is almost nonpresent now, and my airways are usually quite clear compared to how they were before I started painting. Eye "crusties" in the morning and during the day have abated mostly, and there is an ongoing "oily" proliferation now without much solid material at all.
Thanks, LN :).
Good Health to All of Us,
Ladylove :)
…"there are very real ongoing Mental/Intuitional effects of this as time has moved forward.

I am pretty much staying at 5 vertical drops.

I have continued expanding the Iodine document I mentioned before. There is a whole picture coming very clear and detailed about what Iodine does and how it works and what to expect- This is *so* good! It's almost like I can "ask the picture, and watch the response". I see what produces skin eruptions, burning, etc., and how to facilitate clearing it/them. The document, as well as my experiences, is/are moving very fast, there's no time to do anything but keep writing.. I hope you will continue to report what occurs with you, too.

A very deep and consistent mentally clear state, a peace of mind, a solid access to the intuition, these things have all become my normal daily state.

I am a little sequestered from outside contact, because I want to focus on this.

Nasal congestion is almost nonpresent now, and my airways are usually quite clear compared to how they were before I started painting. Eye "crusties" in the morning and during the day have abated mostly, and there is an ongoing "oily" proliferation now without much solid material at all. "…



13. Q: Will Mesentery Painting interfere with my sleep?

A: No, in fact it has been reported that people sleep easier and deeper with Mesentery Painting.

14. Q: Will it be necessary to change or increase my supporting supplements (Selenium, Magnesium, Vit C, Salt push, etc)?

A: No one so far has reported finding it necessary to increase supporting supplements because they have begun Mesentery Painting, and a few have commented specifically that they did not increase the supporting supplements.. However, if you feel that you should do so, then do it. It doesn't seem necessary though, so far.

15. Q: Have any adverse reactions have been reported with Mesentery Painting?

A: Adverse reports have been very few.. Bumps on skin, excessive dryness of skin or itchiness where you have painted, mild dryness of throat, mild dryness of eyes. That's all so far.

Very few have reported any adverse reaction, and those which have been reported have been minor, as follows:

B. Dry throat means that either you are not drinking enough pure water, or else you are painting with too many drops for your body right now. Step up your water-drinking or lower the amount of Iodine you are using to paint. You should be drinking a minimum of ½ your body weight in ounces per day, and Mesentery Painting appears to increase that requirement.

C. Mesentery Painting mobilizes the Lymph system, and more water will make the Lymph System easier to move. The Lymph system also is a "passive pumping" system, and is actually moved by how physically active you are. Walk in the evenings or mornings. Swing your arms while walking. Increase your level of physical activity.

D. Dry eyes: Follows dry throat, if water-drinking level is not increased. Drink more water or paint with less Iodine. Read the dry throat instructions above. A Natural Tear eyewash or plain Distilled water wash with an eyecup will provide temporary relief if needed.

E. Skin disturbances: Small "bumps" or itching or localized dryness of the area painted; Use Aloe Vera Gel or the soothing lotion or cream of your choice.


16. Q: If I think I am experiencing an adverse reaction, what should I do?

A: No matter what you read in this FAQ, if you feel that you should stop or not do it, listen to your intuition *first*.

B: Use common sense. It goes without saying that if you think you need to get medical attention, do it.

C: If you think you may be experiencing an adverse reaction, *Before you go further* with Mesentery Painting, post on the CZ Iodine Supplementation Forum and describe what's happening to you, and ask for input.

D: It may help to quell a localized skin reaction to wash the painted area with tepid or warm soap and water (Do *not* do hard scrubbing), then cover the spot with lotion, cream, or oil.

17.Q: What conclusions have been reached about about Mesentery Painting so far?

A: Conclusions:
Mesentery painting may not be for everyone. However, it seems to be almost wholly beneficial across-the-board. YMMV.

It was discovered that the benefits of Mesentery Painting apparently include unexpectedly strong and positive mental/emotional/psychological effects. These effects extended far beyond those experienced by internal ingestion of quantities of Lugol's Iodine which exceeded the amount being painted by 3X.

IOW, 5 drops Mesentery Painting was a great improvement, added to the effects of 15 drops ingested in this experiment.

Further, Mesentery Painting has a strong and immediate positive effect on the physical airways, sinuses and Eustachian Tubes.


My day began and ended late. I took my normal iodine early, worked all day then lay down and did the five drops. I felt no big nothing, but my nasal breathing got clearer... but got to thinking about the last week...
I normally get big icky cystic zits around the day I begin my period. At least one, and they hurt. I also usually crave salt and chocolate the week of my period, get mild cramps and feel drained enough to hit the sheets for an extra bunch of hours sleep at least once.
It so happened that my first day was day 3 of this experiment... no big cycstic zits, no cramps, no fatigue, no extra sleep needed - clear headed, alert, fine - happy even.... and that has continued since. No zits - not bromide, not hormonal, no cramps - none, no cravings, been eating very calmly.
The only down side I can find is the puffy eyes when I first wake up - it passes and is not from salt/water retention - no puffiness anywhere else. I am blowing my nose a lot. The painting site is all calm now, too. NO bumps, no irritation... and I am still using Lugol's - 5 drops. I am pretty sure fewer drops would have an effect, too. I may try that, too.

I gotta say I did not have a hope of the bromide zits not reappearing. I have NOT added more chloride pushes, other vitamins, any other routine.. only the mesentery painting.
They are GONE. And no extra hormonal zits is just an unexpected bonus.

Will I be continuing with the mesentery painting? Oyaz, my momma dint raise no fool! This is excellent, I highly recommend it.



18. Q: What is Lymph?

A: Lymph is a byproduct, or remainder, of cell metabolism, which comes from nourishing blood and other intracellular fluids. The spent Lymph must be removed from the body's tissues, lest it create, infection, inflammation or localized toxicity which can lead to other, more serious problems. Lymph contains, among other things, the particulate detritus and liquid byproducts of cell metabolism. The Lymph system, in effect, is a one-way-valved Detox Freeway for the entire body.
The Lymph system, its importance to health, and its functions are not well understood within today's medical circles, and therefore its descriptions and functions may be not well understood nor well-defined by current-day medical literature.

19. Q: How is the Lymph moved through the body?

A: Lymph is passively pumped through its exit routes by muscle activity, 'inertia coupled with the force of gravity' as with the Lymph Trampoline, 'gravity only' as with a slantboard, or certain types of specialized lymph massage such as the Vodder or Chikly techniques.

20. Q: What are Lymph nodes?

A: The Lymph nodes are filter stations and gathering points or "Lymph flow junctions" where Lymph channels in the body come together. The Lymph system, its importance to health, and its functions are not well understood within today's medical circles, and therefore its descriptions and functions may be not well understood nor well-defined by current-day medical literature.

Lymph_System_Diagram Uploaded to Iodine Image Gallery 10/1/07.

Lymph nodes act as filters, with an internal honeycomb of reticular connective tissue filled with lymphocytes that collect and destroy bacteria and viruses. When the body is fighting an infection, lymphocytes multiply rapidly and produce a characteristic swelling of the lymph nodes. The Lymph system, its importance to health, and its functions are not well understood within today's medical circles, and therefore its descriptions and functions may be not well understood nor well-defined by current-day medical literature.

21. Q: What is the Mesentery?

A: The Mesentery is a peritoneal tissue which wraps around the muscles, organs and intestines, and into which the Lymph passes when it is exiting from those organs.
the Mesentery Lymph nodes are a gathering point for Lymph which is coming *from* the Mesentery tissues.

So whattya think of THAT?

OK, I hope..

Good Health to All of Us,

Ladylove :)


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