Glaxony, about diluting the Lugol's for Mesentery Painting..
Hi Glax :),
No, I have not diluted mine at all, and I am using 5%
Lugol's to paint with.
I think that your conclusion of diluting the
Lugol's with distilled water before painting, in your case, is an excellent idea..
I think it would be good to stick to 2 drops and dilute that, then paint with it.
I would also wait until you know the skin has healed before proceeding.
Please keep us posted, as what is happening with you could happen with others, and I will need to get that into the FAQ.
Here are a couple of questions for you:
Was it like a "burned" burn (This would probably hurt)?
Or was it as if one of the middle layers of the skin went into "fast-regenerate" mode and created a residual layer of fluid in between the layers (This would probably itch a lot, and only hurt because you scratched it)?
If you can give me your intuitive answer on that, it will help a lot in determining what happened, and what to do for it..
Thanks Glaxony, for your determination and persistence :).
Good Health to All of Us,
Ladylove :)